Study of the state and problems of agriculture in Ukraine in wartime conditions

Keywords: economy, agro-industrial complex, production efficiency, wartime, product export, cost price


The purpose of the article is to investigate the current state of agriculture in Ukraine and the problems that have arisen since the beginning of the full-scale war with the Russian Federation. Research methods. In the development process, mathematical and statistical methods, the method of comparison, calculation-constructive, balance and other methods were used. Research results. The current state is analyzed and the main problems of the agricultural complex of Ukraine in wartime conditions are highlighted. The reasons that hold back development and slow down the pace of agrarian business recovery in the country have been determined. In 2022, the agriculture of Ukraine lost more than 40 billion dollars USA primarily due to the loss of acreage, a decrease in yield, the occurrence of additional costs for logistics, and a reduction in the export of agricultural goods. Since the beginning of the fullscale invasion, 840 enterprises have been relocated from dangerous regions. During 2022-2023, export logistics and a significant increase in prices for fuel and other material and technical resources had the maximum impact on profits from the sale of agricultural products. Although the prices of some imported products decreased somewhat in 2023 and the situation of most supplies stabilized somewhat, they did not reach the level they were before the start of the full-scale invasion. That is why there is a reduction in the use of fertilizers and other material and technical resources. As a result of all the factors that affected the development of agriculture in Ukraine with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, the key factors affecting the production of agricultural products in the following years will be prices on export markets, logistics costs, prices for energy resources and the dynamics of the exchange rate.


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