The reaction of sunflower hybrids of the mid-early maturity group to moisture deficit in the conditions of Southern Ukraine

Keywords: sunflower, hybrid, productivity, drought resistance, drought resistance indices, adaptability, environmental sustainability


The purpose of the research was to study and analyze the ecological stability and adaptability to the lack of moisture of mid-early sunflower hybrids in the conditions of Southern Ukraine. Research materials and methods. The reaction of ten sunflower hybrids of the mid-early ripeness group to different growing conditions was studied at Agroproekt Yug LLC of the Kherson region during 2020–2021. The research was conducted on two sites with different soil parameters. Analysis of the resistance of sunflower hybrids to moisture deficit was carried out with the help of various mathematical indices of drought resistance and indicators of adaptability and environmental stability. Research results and their discussion. The obtained experimental data at a drought intensity of 0.403 made it possible to identify sunflower hybrids that significantly exceed the average hybrid yield in stressful conditions: Generalis, Isida and Hysun 158 IT 1.912–2.052 t/ha, and under conditions of sufficient moisture, the Fushia KC hybrid with a yield of 3.088 t/ha. Isida and Fushia KC hybrids were selected according to MP, STI, and MSTI indices. According to the indices SSI, TOL, YSI, RDI, SSPI, ATI ‒ hybrids Generalis and Hysun 158 IT, and according to YI, DI, ISR ‒ hybrid Hysun 158 IT. According to the regression coefficient (bi), the hybrids of the intensive type Electric ‒ 1.30 and Fushia KC ‒ 1.32, the stable type Generalis ‒ 0.41 and Hysun 158 IT ‒ 0.32 and the hybrid of the plastic type Epic ‒ 1.00 were selected. Based on the results of the GGE biplot analysis, sunflower hybrids were divided into: stable ‒ Generalis and Hysun 158 IT, intensive ‒ Fushia KC, Electric and Chester, and plastic ‒ Boston and Epic. Conclusions. Adaptability indices and indicators that most fully characterize the resistance of sunflower hybrids to drought, as well as adaptability indices and indicators that divide hybrids into intensive, plastic and stable ones according to their reaction to moisture deficit stress, are highlighted. According to drought resistance indices, drought adaptability indicators and biplot analysis, the Generalis and Hysun 158 IT hybrids are selected as the most drought-resistant, the Boston, Isida and Epic hybrids are selected as plastic, and the Fushia KC and Electric hybrids are selected as the most drought-resistant, or intensive type hybrids.


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