The importance of the root system of agricultural crops in the conditions of climate change and resource scarcity

Keywords: root system architecture, productivity, stress, influence of external factors, genotypes


Introduction. Climate change has led to frequent extreme weather events, especially irregular rainfall. This causes biotic and abiotic stresses in agricultural plants, which negatively affect their productivity. The results. The analysis of the literature showed that the structure of the root system (RSA) is a powerful indicator that reflects the supply of nutrients to plants, as well as for determining its corresponding responses to external factors. It plays a vital role in the productivity and adaptation of plants to different environments and has a central role in the productivity and stability of all plant ecosystems in their ability to exist, in general. Therefore, there is growing recognition that future yield gains can be achieved by optimizing RSA. The main elements of the RSA architecture are the length of the primary root, the density of the lateral roots and at what angle they are located in the soil in relation to the tap root, and the diameter of the roots. External factors, such as the availability of water and nutrients, regulate the formation of lateral and secondary roots, and depending on this, they can spread shallowly or go deep. Genotypes with greater branching, lateral root density and taproot length and high yield are considered deep rooted and suitable for water and nitrogen stressed environments, while genotypes with less lateral branching density and shallowness are suitable for low phosphorus environments. The architecture of the root system is influenced by microorganisms: bacteria and fungi that cause many modifications in the morphology of the roots, depending on the culture, the strain of rhizobacteria PGPR and the type of mycorrhizal fungi AMF. A common feature of Rhizobacteria PGPR is the modification of lateral roots. Conclusion. The use of mycorrhizal fungi AMF increases the degree of root branching, increasing the total length, surface area and volume of roots. Direct phenotyping remains an urgent problem. To solve this problem, the following methods are distinguished: well-controlled laboratory methods that allow automatic phenotyping of RSA, moderately controlled greenhouse and field methods where mature root systems are studied in real soil conditions in the field using an integrated method: visual assessment, manual measurements and image analysis with using 2D, 3D.


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