Features of Lavandula angustifolia some varieties reproduction in the conditions of the Ukraine Southern Steppe

Keywords: Lavandula angustifolia, variety, vegetative reproduction, seed reproduction


Purpose. The purpose of the research is to select effective methods of reproduction of narrow-leaved lavender in accordance with the biological characteristics of one or another variety in the conditions of the Southern Steppe. Methods. The experimental part of the work was carried out on the basis of the State Enterprise “Experimental Farm “Novokakhovske” ICSA NAAS. The chernozem soils are slightly loamy with a humus layer thickness of 76 cm and a humus content in the arable layer of 1.33%. Years of research are 2019-2021. The research material was 6 varieties of Lavandula angustifolia from the collection of SE “Experimental Farm “Novokakhovske”. Varieties were propagated vegetatively and by seeds. During vegetative propagation by lignified cuttings the stimulator of rhizogenesis “Kornevin” was used for better rooting. 100 aligned cuttings of each variety were selected. The cuttings were dusted with the drug and planted in cold open greenhouses. By seed propagation 100 pieces of seeds of each variety were sown in 3-fold repetition in 3 variants in seasonal film greenhouses, cold open greenhouses and under agrofibre. As the soil dried irrigation was carried out. Results: When propagating 6 varieties of lavender vegetatively (by cuttings of lignified shoots), the share of rooted cuttings ranged from 13 to 83% over three years. The maximum indicators of cuttings rooting were noted by ‘Syneva Nadiі’ variety. Varieties ‘Victoria’, ‘Pink Flamingo’, ‘Zmiyuchka’ had low rooting rates from 13 to 24%. In order to select an effective method of reproduction of 6 varieties of lavender a study was carried out on reproduction by the seed method. Soil germination of seeds ranged from 43 to 70%. The best results were obtained in all varieties when sowing seeds in a seasonal greenhouse and under agrofibre. In these options, seedlings are friendlier than when sowing seeds in cold greenhouses. The highest indicators of soil germination were obtained by ‘Lydiya’, ‘Victoria’ and ‘Bereginya’ varieties. The lowest indicators of soil germination were obtained by ‘Pink Flamingo’ variety. According to the phenological observations of the seedlings, it was established that no atypical plants were found in the plantings of ‘Victoria’, ‘Lydia’, ‘Syneva Nadiі’ and ‘Bereginya’ varieties over the years of research, or they were within the norm (1-2 plants). And for ‘Pink Flamingo’ variety it was established that 20% of plants had non-typical morphological features. Conclusions: It has been established that in the conditions of the Kherson region lavender varieties ‘Lidia’, ‘Sineva Nadiі’ and ‘Bereginya’ can be propagated both vegetatively and by seed (sowing before winter). Varieties ‘Victoria’ and ‘Zmiyuchka’ are best propagated by seed. The ‘Pink Flamingo’ variety should be propagated vegetatively, regardless of the low rate of grafting of cuttings, as a significant share of non-typical plants (20%) was observed with the seed method of propagation.


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