Productivity of row crop rotation under different systems of fertilizers and basic tillage at irrigation of the south of Ukraine

  • R.A. Vozhegova Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • A.S. Malyarchuk Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • D.I. Kotelnikov Yukos & K Farm
  • N.D. Reznichenko Askaniiska State Agricultural Research Station of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: crop rotation, crop rotation productivity, folding density, porosity, water permeability


The article reflects the results of research on the density of formation at the beginning and end of the growing season depending on the systems of the main tillage and the subsequent impact on the porosity and water permeability of the soil. At the same time, information was obtained on the impact of different systems on crop rotation productivity indicators. Ukraine methods and guidelines. The research was conducted during 2009–2019 in the research fields of the Askaniy DSDS IZZ NAAS of Ukraine. As a result of research, it was found that the use of a system of shelfless multi-depth tillage in crop rotation forms the lowest density of folding in the experiment at 1,20 g/cm3 at the beginning and 1,26 g/cm3 at the end of crop rotation vegetation, which is on average 4% less than with control. It should also be noted that porosity systems of different depths increased porosity by 2% and water permeability by 16%. Accounting for crop yields and determining the productivity of short-rotation crop rotation made it possible to establish that under the system of shallow tillage productivity was at the level of control 7,86-8,78 e. u., depending on the fertilizer system, and the use of sowing in previously untreated soil, led to decrease in productivity by 14,3%. The highest productivity in the experiment was obtained with a shelfless different depth of the main tillage system, which, depending on the doses of nitrogen fertilizers ranged from 7,87 to 8,99 e. u. t/ha, depending on the fertilizer system. At the same time, the application of zero tillage led to a decrease in porosity by 2,9% and water permeability by 41,6%, which further affects the productivity of crop rotations, which decreased by an average of 14,3%.


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