Ecological plasticity and stability of winter wheat varieties in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine (Part 3 – years with different moisture supply)

Keywords: winter wheat, variety, irrigation, natural moisture, productivity, adaptability, stability, ecogradient, biplot analysis, cluster analysis


The purpose of our research was to study and analyze the environmental stability and adaptability to different environments of winter wheat varieties selected by the Institute of Climate-oriented Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences and the Selection and Genetic Institute of the National Center for Seed Science and Varietal Research of the National Academy of Sciences in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Research materials and methods. The reaction of 18 varieties of winter wheat to different growing conditions was studied at the Askania State Agricultural Research Station in the village of Tavrychanka, Kherson region (46°33’12”N; 33°49’13”E; 39 m above sea level) during 2015/16–2019/20. Research was conducted under different conditions of irrigation: with irrigation and without irrigation. Analysis of environmental stability and adaptability to different environments of winter wheat varieties was carried out using various parameters. Research results and their discussion. The obtained experimental data allow us to distinguish the varieties of winter wheat with the highest productivity according to the minimum productivity (Ymin) Konka – 4.75 t/ha and Lira odes’ka – 4.99 and according to the maximum productivity (Ymax) Burhunka – 8.46 t/ha, Harantiia odes’ka – 8.23, Tradytsiia odes’ka – 8.32 and Schedrist’ odes’ka – 8.58. The lowest productivity was characterized by Rosynka varieties – 3.87 t/ha and Harantiia odes’ka – 3.01 t/ha at the minimum (Ymin) and Ledia varieties – 6.59 t/ha and Rosynka – 6.66 t/ha at the maximum (Ymax). According to adaptability parameters, Rosynka and Lira odes’ka varieties were selected as the most stable, while Harantiia odes’ka and Schedrist’ odes’ka were selected as intensive type varieties. The Askaniis’ka variety was classified as plastic. Four clusters were formed: in the first cluster nine varieties of the plastic type were united at a distance of 100, in the second cluster six varieties of the intensive type were united at a distance of 83, in the third cluster two varieties were united at a distance of 11 and in the fourth there was a variety Dewdrop. According to the correlation analysis, the parameters of adaptability were selected: the level of resistance to stressful conditions (RS), the regression coefficient (bi), the variance of the deviation from the regression line (s2 di), the sign of the stability of the genotype response (σ2 SACi), the variance of the interaction between the genotype and the environment (σ2 (G×E)gi), compensation coefficient (Kgi), relative stability of the genotype (sgi), selection value of the genotype (SVGi), selection value of the variety (Sc) and homeostaticity (Hom) by which the type of variety can be most clearly characterized. Conclusions. The selected adaptability parameters, according to them and the biplot analysis, Konka and Lira odes’ka varieties were selected as the most stable, while Burhunka and Schedrist’ odes’ka were selected as intensive type varieties Koshova and Askaniis’ka varieties are selected as plastic.


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