The quality of lettuce seeds sown after pre-sowing treatment with extracts from organic fertilizers

Keywords: biohumus, black lion fly, humus, salad, seeds


Purpose. The study of the peculiarities of the formation of sowing qualities of vegetable seeds during pre-sowing treatment with extracts from organic fertilizers. Methods. Laboratory experiment, dispersion and correlation-regression analysis. The results. Under the conditions of a laboratory experiment, we studied the features of the formation of the seed quality of seeds of the seed lettuce (Lactuca sativa Var. Secalina) variety Kucheryavets Odesa under pre-sowing treatment with extracts from organic fertilizers. Lettuce seeds were soaked with extract from organic fertilizers prepared in a ratio of 1:20 (1 part of organic fertilizer and 20 parts of water). The following organic fertilizers were used: biohumus No. 1 – a product of barley grain processing using the black lionfly Hermetia illucens; the product of this fly’s processing of a mixture of barley grain and vegetable waste (biohumus No. 2); HMGW – two-year humus of mushroom growing waste and cattle manure (CM). On the experimental variants, an increase in the laboratory germination of seeds by 10.0–18.5% was observed in comparison with the control (LCD0.95 = 3.5), stimulation of growth processes, which manifested itself in a significant increase in the linear dimensions of 15-day-old seedlings, exceeding control variants by 9.0–25.3%. The greatest growth effect (+25.3%) was noted when lettuce seeds were treated with an extract from cattle humus, but the accumulation of raw biomass occurred to a greater extent when treated with an extract from biohumus No. 2 (+55.1%) and HMGW (+48,7%). Extracts from organic fertilizers had no effect on the development of the primary root system of Kucheryavets Odesa lettuce. Conclusions. The use of extracts from organic fertilizers obtained during the cultivation of the black lionfly Hermetia illucens, cultivation of mushrooms and cattle for the pre-sowing treatment of the seeds of Kucheryavets Odesa salad contributed to the increase in laboratory germination, stimulation of the growth of seedlings and the accumulation of their raw and dry biomass.


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