Yield and quality raw materialsof tobacco varieties depending on plant density and fertilization system

Keywords: tobacco, variety, planting density, fertilizer rates, yield of leaves, marketable variety


Purpose. The purpose of the research is to assess the influence of the planting scheme of tobacco plants, varietal characteristics and the fertilization system on the yield and quality of tobacco leaves when grown in the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe. Methods. In the process of carrying out the research, a combination of general scientific methods was used: hypothesis, observation, analysis; and special: laboratory and field. Experimental indicators were processed by methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The results of field and laboratory studies of the influence of agrotechnical factors complex on the yield of tobacco leaves of various varieties and the percentage of the obtained marketable varieties are presented. The productivity of tobacco leaves in the section of the three studied years, which were characterized by different meteorological indicators, is highlighted. A comparative assessment of the yield and quality of four varieties of tobacco was carried out: Ternopilskyi 14, Ternopilskyi perspektivnyi, Berlei 38, Halytskyi oryginalnyi. The impact on the studied accounts of the planting density of tobacco plants of 50 and 70 thousand pieces per hectare is substantiated. The optimal norms of mineral fertilizers for each variety among the three selected variants were established: N30P60K60; N45P90K90; N60P120K120 kilograms of active substance per hectare. The percentage of obtained tobacco raw materials was determined in terms of variants for the research of three commodity types of tobacco (I, II, III), which determine the corresponding quality and price of raw materials. The records of the yield of the leaves of the studied tobacco varieties showed that it differed significantly over the years of research. The most productive year was 2021 and the least productive was 2023. As a result of the research, a significant difference in the yield of leaves was established in the studied varieties of tobacco. It was established that the optimal yield was provided by the tobacco varieties Ternopilsky Perspektivnyi and Berlei 38, and the minimum by the Ternopilskyi 14 variety. The influence of the density of planting tobacco plants in the section of the studied varieties was revealed, and a tendency to obtain a higher yield of all the studied varieties according to the norms of N45P90K90 was revealed. It was determined that the maximum percentage of tobacco raw materials of the 1st marketable variety – within the range of 68.4–69.2 was obtained in the Berlei 38 variety, the minimum 59.2–62.6 – in the Ternopilskyi 14 variety.


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