Organic agriculture: challenges and prospects for development

Keywords: organic agriculture, organic method of cultivation, agrosystem, agrarian technologies, human health, state of the environment


The aim. A comprehensive analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of organic agriculture, identification of the main challenges faced by this area, and determination of ways to overcome them in order to stimulate the further development of the organic agricultural sector in the context of sustainable development. Methods. The following methods of scientific research were applied, such as the study of domestic and foreign scientific literature and the legal framework on the topic of research, generalization of the obtained information, economic and statistical analysis, analytical and comparative methods. The results. The article analyzes in detail the key aspects and principles of organic agricultural production, emphasizing its role in the sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex. Organic farming is defined as a production system that strongly rejects the use of synthetic chemicals that have a negative impact on the environment and human health, and focuses on methods that contribute to increasing the fertility of the land and preserving the ecological balance. The article also draws attention to the economic efficiency of organic farming, which can be achieved through diversification of activities and access to international markets due to the high consumer value of organic products. Disease prevention and growing produce without the use of antibiotics and growth hormones emphasize the priority of healthy eating and ecological practices. Conclusions. The study defines and systematizes complex criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of organic agriculture at the national level, in particular by introducing innovative methods of assessing the impact of organic agriculture on improving the quality of life of rural residents, increasing the educational level, introducing scientific and technical achievements, and improving the quality of products. The prospects for the sustainable development of organic agriculture, which includes an integrated approach to the use of natural resources, optimization of production cycles and preservation of biodiversity, have been determined. This model contributes to the formation of the principles of organic agriculture, which are based on a balanced combination of natural features of land resources and innovative agricultural technologies.


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