The main phytophages of the agrocenosises of late-ripening white cabbage crop in the conditions of the Lisosteppe Western

Keywords: cabbage pests, crop protection, phytophages


Purpose of the research was hold the monitoring of phytosanitary status of late-ripening white cabbage crop in the conditions of the Lisosteppe western and define the kinds of insects on the white cabbage. Methods of research and data. The research were carried out during 2022–2023 on the farms of Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Chernivtsi, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, that specialize on the growth of vegetables crops and which grow of a white cabbage. From beginning of May (sowing or planting of seedlings of late-ripening white cabbage) and till getting of technical maturing was carried out of observing out on appearing of phytophages on crop that was researched. During of research period the number of the harmful insects defined by scientific methods. Results. The researches that we carried out was defined that growing of sorts and hybrids of late-ripening white cabbage crop in the conditions of the Lisosteppe western is accompanied by significant dissemination of the harmful insects and this process is being continued during of vegetation period. During of research term the most dissemination had cruciferous fleas (Phyllotreta crusiferae, Goeze), cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae L.), cabbage whitefly (Aleyrodes proletella.), cabbage moth (Plutella maculipennis Curt.), cabbage scoop (Matestra brassicae L), tobacco thrips (Thrips tabaci Lin.), Spanish slug (Arion lusitanicus Mabille … Arion vulgaris Moguin-Tandon). The part of listed phytophages are being controlled easily by chemical crop protection (cruciferous fleas, aphids, Lepidoptera pests – moths, scoops), at that time such representatives of harmful insects, as cabbage whitefly, tobacco thrips and Spanish slug have to classified as difficult regarding to the control. This is create the serious danger for the agrocenosises of late-ripening white cabbage crop. Conclusions. For the pests number control on crops of late-ripening white cabbage in western Lisosteppe of Ukraine during of vegetation period we recommend using specialize crop protection that aimed primarily at limit of reproduction and harmfulness of the phytophages.


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