Varietal features of the formation of chickpea grain quality under the conditions of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: chickpea, variety, weather conditions, protein content, fat content, essential amino acids, replaceable amino acids


Chickpea is a valuable plant that provides high-quality food for a growing world population. It will become increasingly important with climate change due to its natural drought tolerance and ability to withstand hot periods. At the same time, it is the most important food leguminous crop cultivated among cool-season legumes in arid and semi-arid regions of the world under rainfed conditions. The given crop contains 18 amino acids, 8 of which are essential. Chickpeas have a higher fat, ash, and fiber content than lentils, beans, and peas. The research aimed at studying the peculiarities of the formation of the content of protein, fat, and amino acids in chickpea grains depending on varietal characteristics in the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The study of the chemical composition of the varieties of Argument, Admiral, Budzhak, Triumph, Pamyat, Krasen, Iordan, Skarb, Odisey, and Yaryna was carried out in terms of the educational-scientific- production complex (ESPC) of the Sumy National Agrarian University during 2020–2022. The research results showed that 2020 was the most favorable year among the studied years for the formation of protein content in chickpea grains, and the average protein content in the grain was 21.82%. In contrast to the protein content, 2021 was the oiliest year for chickpeas, where the fat content averaged 7.49%. The highest content: lysine (1.69 g/100 g), threonine (1.08 g/100 g), valine (0.91 g/100 g), phenylalanine (1.55 g/100 g), alanine (1. 14 g/100 g), glutamic acid (4.37 g/100 g), arginine (2.25 g/100 g), histidine (0.91 g/100 g), and tyrosine (0.71 g/100 g) were formed by the Krasen variety. The highest content of methionine (0.27 g/100 g), isoleucine (0.87 g/100 g), leucine (1.63 g/100 g), aspartic acid (2.35 g/100 g), and serine (1.58 g/100 g) was in the seeds of the Pamyat variety, while proline (0.97 g/100 g) was in the Triumph variety.


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