Dynamics of potato productivity formation depending on planting time

Keywords: potato, planting time, yield, leaf area, correlation, photosynthetic potential


In Ukraine, over the past few decades, there has been a pronounced trend towards warming due to global climate changes. This has led to a decrease in the annual precipitation amount and uneven distribution of rainfall throughout the year and in certain years. Consequently, this has increased in the frequency of droughts during the most critical periods of crop yield formation for agricultural crops, including potatoes. Due to global climate change, the southern Polissia region has experienced warmer conditions, characterized by shorter and milder winters and an extended and warmer growing season. These altered climatic conditions have significantly impacted the cultivation and harvesting of potatoes, necessitating a revision of traditional approaches to potato farming. As part of a scientific study conducted between 2020 and 2023, the issue of the correlation between biometric indicators and potato yields depending on planting dates was examined in the conditions of southern Polissia in Ukraine. It was determined that the optimal planting period is the second to third decade of April, as these variants showed the highest field germination: Radomysl – 92.2 %, Myroslava – 96.1 %. Favorable dynamics of leaf surface formation was observed, resulting in effective realization of the photosynthetic potential of the potato plantations: Radomysl – 3.215 and Myroslava – 3.673 million m2/ha×day. Over the years of research, the yield of the early variety Radomysl at the first planting period was 31.6 t/ha, at the second – 29.1, at the third – 23.2, and the mid-ripening variety Myroslava – 40.1, 41.5 and 36.2 t/ha, respectively. According to the results of the correlation analysis, a direct correlation dependence was established between yield and the coefficient of use of PAR (r = 0.988). The planting date significantly influences the starch content in the tubers. While for the first and second planting dates, it did not change significantly and amounted to 12.8–13.2 % in Radomysl variety and 16.9–17.7 % in Myroslava variety, respectively, for the third planting date, the percentage of starch content in the tubers decreased by 1.95 % in the Radomysl variety and by 2.6 % in the Myroslava variety.


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