Influence of moisture supply and plant fertilization conditions on tomato fruit yield under drip irrigation in the south of Ukraine
Purpose. To determine fruit yield and total waterconsumption of tomato plants depending on irrigationand fertilization regimes at drip irrigation in the conditionsof the Southen of Ukraine. Methods. Studies have shownthat the water consumption of tomato plants, depending onthe conditions of the growing season in non-irrigated conditionsranged from 2 022,4 to 2 031,9 m3/ha, for the appointmentof irrigation 70% – 3 017,6–3 036,6 m3/ha, for 80% –3 084,1–3 087,3 m3/ha, for 90% – 3 107,7–3 124,4 m3/ha.The increase of the pre-irrigation threshold of soil moisture inthe layer of 0–30 cm caused the same dynamics of changes,namely, the increase of total water consumption. For the formationof the unit of tomato fruit yield, the most economicalmoisture was spent under the conditions of maintainingthe pre-irrigation soil moisture at the level of 80% lowestmoisture content and the introduction of modern organicfertilizer Bioproferm. The water consumption coefficientin this variant was 39 m3/t, which is 1,7 times less than inthe control and 1.1 times less than in areas with 90% lowestmoisture content. In the areas with the highest moisturesupply, a decrease in yield and an increase in the waterconsumption coefficient compared to 80% of lowest moisturecontent was noted. The highest yield (79,5 t/ha) wasprovided by the PPVG variant at the level of 80% lowestmoisture content and the application of Bioproferm organicfertilizer, which is 49,1 t / ha higher than the control variant.Conclusions. In the seed lingless cultivation method,the application of fertilizers significantly increases the yieldof fruits under conditions of drip irrigation. Irrigation regimehad the most significant effect on the productivity of tomatoplants. The highest yield and the lowest water consumptioncoefficient were noted for maintaining the pre-irrigationsoil moisture at the level of 80% of lowest moisture contentand the application of modern organic fertilizer Bioproferm.
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