Normalized difference vegetation index as a marker of winter crops identification in the systems of automated crops mapping

Keywords: discriminant analysis, remote sensing, classification analysis, winter wheat, winter rapeseed, winter barley


Purpose. Studying the possibility of using the time series of satellite normalized difference vegetation index and discriminant canonical function for the classification of winter crops (wheat, barley, rapeseed) for further automated crops mapping. Methods. Data on the time series of normalized difference vegetation index for 2018 in the period “April – July”, obtained for 70 randomly selected fields of winter wheat, winter barley and winter rapeseed (210 fields in total), located in the Steppe zone of Ukraine, were used for performing multiclass linear discriminant analysis and canonical discriminant analysis. According to the results of mathematical and statistical processing of the data, a discriminant function for the classification of each studied crop was developed. Statistical calculations were performed at a confidence level of 95% (P<0.05). Results. According to the results of mathematical and statistical calculations, two canonical functions were developed, and the assessment of the weight of each of them in achieving correct results proved the superiority of the first (82.9% vs. 17.1%; canonical correlation coefficient 0.78 vs. 0.49, respectively). The calculated coefficients and constants made it possible to develop a canonical classification function for identifying the studied crops. The best classification accuracy was recorded for winter wheat (75.7%) and winter barley (72.9%), while winter rapeseed was identified the worst – the prediction accuracy was 55.7%. This can be put upon the distortion of the NDVI of winter rapeseed crops during the stage of full flowering of the crop. Automated mapping of winter crops based on the developed canonical discriminant function is possible for the cereals and remains questionable for rapeseed. Conclusions. The results of the study proved the possibility of highly accurate classification and subsequent mapping of winter cereals based on the time series data of normalized difference vegetation index. The classification of winter rapeseed requires additional research involving alternative algorithms and methods.


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