The yield of two-spored champignon mushrooms depends on the type of biological preparations when grown on EM compost

Keywords: biological preparations, EM compost, mushroom, climate chamber, productivity, substrate preparation time


The type of biopreparation and the period of their use when growing two-spored champignons on a substrate prepared both in winter and summer had a significant impact on the morphological features of the structure of the fruit bodies. Purpose. The aim of the work is to improve the technological methods of industrial cultivation of two-spored champignon mushrooms based on the use of biological preparations and increase their yield in two waves of fruiting. Methods. In the process of performing the work, general scientific and special research methods were used: theoretical – processing of research results by methods of statistical and correlational analysis; empirical – experiments in climatic chamber conditions, graphical and tabular display of results. The results. The duration of fruiting and yield of two-spored champignon mushrooms depends on the time of preparation of the substrate – EM compost. When it is prepared in winter, only one wave of fruiting is observed, and when it is prepared in summer, two waves are observed. On average, over two years of research, the maximum yield of the two-spored champignon obtained on the substrate – EM compost, which was prepared in winter with the introduction of the biological preparation «Potassium humate» during the laying of the substrate, was 13,92 kg/m2, which is higher than the value of the control variant 2,4 times. The largest collection of mushrooms when growing two-spored champignons on a substrate prepared in the summer can be obtained when using the biological preparation «EM compost » with its introduction during the laying period of the substrate on the rack, which is an average of 9,06 kg/m² – this is higher than the control option of 2,5 times. Findings. The obtained results have an important practical significance for farms that grow mushrooms. The results of the study make it possible to recommend the use of the biological preparation «EM 5M», which, with the duration of the first wave of fruiting – 5 days, which makes it possible to obtain from 553 to 603 pieces mushrooms in summer from 1 m2. At the same time, we recorded the maximum rates of fruiting when using the biopreparation «EM compost», which, with the duration of the first wave of fruiting – 4 days, makes it possible to obtain from 618 to 640 pieces mushrooms in summer from 1 m2. We also recorded high values of mushroom productivity during the first wave of fruiting, which lasted 6 days, when treating the roofing soil with the biological preparation «Potassium humate», which allows you to get from 540 to 585 pieces. mushrooms in summer from 1 m2.


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