The importance of biological preparations in increasing the profitability of growing winter barley in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: winter barley, variety, biological preparations, foliar fertilization, economic efficiency, conditional net profit, level of profitability, cost of harvest, cost of cultivation


Goal. To determine the main indicators of the economic efficiency of growing winter barley based, to establish the influence on its components of varietal characteristics and resource-saving nutrition using modern biological preparations for foliar feeding of plants in the main growing seasons. Methods. Research with four varieties of winter barley was carried out in the educational, scientific and practical center of the Mykolaiv National Agrarian University on the southern chernozem. The test is two-factor, factor A – grade: 1. Decent (standard); 2. Valkyrie; 3. Oscar; 4. Jason. Factor B – foliar feeding: 1. Control (water treatment); 2. Azotophyte; 3. Mycofriend; 4. Melanosis; 5. Organic-Balance. The agricultural technique of growing winter barley was generally accepted, except for the factors taken into consideration. All elements of technology and definitions were carried out in accordance with methodical zonal recommendations and DSTU. The results. The impact of variety selection and foliar fertilizing with biological preparations taken for research on the components of economic efficiency was analyzed. It was established that the cost of grown winter barley grain significantly changed and fluctuated depending on the variety, biological preparation, the phase of its use and the number of feedings. Similarly, under the influence of the mentioned measures, indicators of conditional net profit, level of profitability and cost price also changed. However, with the involvement of biological preparations for feeding, the first two factors of economic efficiency increased, and the cost of growing a unit of production, on the contrary, decreased. The most favorable economic indicators were provided by the cultivation of Valkyrie and Oscar varieties, and from biological preparations – the use of Organic-Balance and Azotofit. Conclusions. It was established that the resource-saving optimization of winter barley nutrition had a positive effect on all factors that characterize the economic efficiency and profitability of growing this crop. They depended and changed under the influence of the variety selected for foliar treatment of the biological preparation and the number of feedings.


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