Potential weed infestation of winter rye depending on predecessors and soil tillage methods

Keywords: weed vegetation, potential weed infestation, main inspection, plowing, chisel tillage, winter rye, sunflower, safflower


Goal. This study aimed to conduct herbological monitoring of winter rye under the influence of different predecessors (sunflower and safflower) and soil tillage methods. Methods. Field, statistical, comparative. Results. The article presents the results of potential soil weed infestation before sowing winter rye and data from the main inspection of winter rye crops during the milky-wax ripeness stage under the influence of various predecessors and soil tillage methods. The study utilized the variety «Khamarka». It was found that potential weed infestation after sunflower as a predecessor was twice lower compared to safflower as a predecessor under chisel tillage at different depths. Regarding the main inspection of winter rye crops, a fourfold decrease in weed infestation after sunflower as a predecessor and a threefold decrease after safflower were recorded compared to the data on potential weed infestation. During the monitoring of potential weed infestation and the main inspection, up to 10 weed species were identified. Perennial weeds predominantly included species such as Taraxacum officinale, Convolvulus arvensis, Sonchus arvensis, and Elymus repens. Among annual weeds, the most common were Amaranthus retroflexus, Thlaspi arvense, Setaria pumila, Sinapis arvensis, and Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Conclusions. The main inspection of winter rye revealed a decrease in weed infestation without the use of chemical methods for controlling weed population, resulting in a threefold reduction in weed infestation. This suggests that winter rye plays a role in reducing the negative impact of weed infestation and decreasing the overall population and species composition of weed vegetation.


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