Influence of sugar and canning industry waste on the yield and quality of agricultural crops

Keywords: sugar and canning industry waste, standards, utilization, application, crops, soil, yield, quality


One of the directions of utilization of waste from the sugar and canning industries is their application in the form of fertilizers for agricultural crops. Their impact on the yield and quality of crops is of great importance. Studies have shown that the yield level of the crops under study directly depends on the amount of waste applied and its quantity. After analyzing three years of data, we came to the conclusion that defecate and pomace have different effects on the yield of sugar beet and corn. The highest yields were in the variant with the joint application of 60 t/ha of defecate and pomace and amounted to 350.2 c/ha of sugar beet and 50.1 c/ha of corn, which is 59 % and 89 % more than in the control. The norm of 90 t/ha of defecate + 90 t/ha of pomace was also effective and provided a yield increase of 100.2 c/ha of sugar beet and 20.3 c/ha of corn grain. In the variant where 30 t/ha of defecate and 30 t/ha of pomace were applied, the yield increase was less than in the first two variants: sugar beet by 63.8 c/ha, corn by 11.7 c/ha. The introduction of one defecate (except for the variant of 30 t/ha) also gives a significant increase in crop yields. Thus, sugar beet yields increased by 41 and 42 %, respectively, and corn yields increased by 81 and 82 % compared to the control. In the variants where only pomace was applied, the yield also increased, but much less than when applying defecate and jointly defecate and pomace. In our opinion, the reason for this is the deterioration of the physical and physicochemical properties of the soil, a decrease in the content of nitrogen available to plants, which is absorbed by microorganisms to decompose the pomace fiber. The yield of pomace alone ranged from 245.1 to 269.8 c/ha under sugar beet, and from 28.7 to 32.8 c/ha under corn.


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