Yield and harvesting moisture content of corn hybrids at different sowing times

Keywords: hybrids, corn, productivity, harvesting moisture of grain, sowing period


The purpose of the work is to determine the influence of sowing dates on the yield and harvest moisture of corn hybrids of different FAO groups. Methods. The methodological basis of this research is: empirical (field experiments and observations; measurement of indicators of the research object; comparison of the impact of elements of agricultural technologies), theoretical (proposing a hypothesis and forming conclusions based on the results of research; statistical; mathematical. The results. The maximum yield, on average according to the terms of sowing, was formed by the mid-early hybrid Oleshkivskyi (FAO 280) – 7.12 t/ha. The yield of the early-ripening corn hybrid Stepovy (FAO 190) and the medium-ripening hybrid Tronka (FAO 380) was lower, compared to Oleshkivskyi, by 0.69 and 0.65 t/ha, respectively. In the conditions of natural moisture, the mid-late hybrid of the intensive type Gilea (FAO 420) did not reveal its productivity potential, in which the decrease in yield compared to the Oleshkivskyi hybrid (FAO 280) was 1.33 t/ha. The difference in grain moisture, depending on the time of sowing, was more clearly defined in hybrids with an extended growing season. These are such hybrids as Tronka (FAO 380) and Gilea (FAO 420). The difference in grain moisture in them ranged from 8.6 to 11.9 %, compared with early and late sowing. The difference in grain moisture content between the early and optimal term in Stepovy (FAO 190) and Oleshkivskyi (FAO 280) hybrids was much smaller (from 1.2 to 1.6 %). The moisture content of hybrids FAO 190–280 during the early sowing period was almost at the same level. This indicates that the ripening period of these genotypes fell on August, a month when low relative air humidity, high day and night temperatures are observed, which contributes to accelerated moisture transfer and a decrease in humidity to minimum values, below which the natural humidity of the grain practically does not decrease. Conclusions. It has been established that innovative corn hybrids of different FAO groups have different specific reactions to sowing dates in the conditions of the Northern Steppe. The greatest stability of productivity was characteristic of Stepovy and Oleshkivskyi hybrids. Hybrids Stepoviy (FAO 190) and Oleshkivskyi (FAO 280) had grain moisture below the basic level during the harvesting period. These hybrids can be used for energy-saving corn cultivation technologies. The yield of these hybrids differed little by sowing dates, so they can be used in different technologies that involve early and late sowing dates. In years with low autumn-winter moisture reserves in the soil and forecasts of low-rainfall weather in the spring-summer period, it is impractical to sow hybrids with FAO over 350 (Gilea and Tronka) due to a sharp drop in productivity under dry conditions. Under optimal weather conditions, hybrids of this type have increased grain moisture content, which worsens the economic performance of their production.


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