Keywords: nitrification inhibitor, 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate, urea-ammonia solution, normalized difference vegetation index, maize.


Purpose. To establish the relationship and the actual correlation between the level of normalized differential vegetative index and maize yield under the condition of using different norms of nitrogen fertilizers in the form of UAN-32 with the combined use of nitrification inhibitor. Methods. During 2018-2021, the research was conducted in the conditions of the research station of “Druzhba Nova” LLC, Varvynskyi district, Chernihiv region (a branch of the Kernel agricultural holding) on typical low-humus black soil. One-factor experiment. Control variant N10P30K40 (conditionally without nitrogen fertilizers). UAN-32 was applied at the normal rate according to the experimental variants, and the nitrification inhibitor 3,4 dimethylpyrazol phosphate was applied in spring, respectively, in the experimental variants Control + N120+IN, Control + N130+IN, Control + N130. Normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) was determined by the images from WorldView-2, WorldView-3, Geoeye-1 satellites (Maxar USA). Results. The NDVI of maize for all years of research 2018-2021 was at its highest level in June and decreased in July and also decreased in August. Thus, the level of NDVI in June was at the level of 0.73-0.80 in 2018, 0.65-0.67 in 2019, 0.72-0.78 in 2020 and 0.65-0.72 in 2021. In July, the NDVI was lower than in June, with the range of 0.62-0.69 in 2018, 0.62-0.66 in 2019, 0.62-0.67 in 2020, and 0.52-0.54 in 2021. In August, the NDVI was correspondingly lower than in July and ranged from 0.49-0.57 in 2018, 0.48-0.53 in 2019, 0.54-0.60 in 2020, and 0.39-0.40 in 2021. The highest level of NDVI was observed in the variant with an increased nitrogen rate, Control+N130 but without the addition of IN. Thus, the level of NDVI was 0.65, 0.66, 0.53 and 0.61 in June, July and August and on average for three months in 2019, 0.78, 0.66, 0.60 and 0.68 in 2020, and 0.71, 0.53, 0.40 and 0.55 in 2021, respectively. The yield of the same nitrogen fertilizer rate of N130 but without the use of IN on the variant Control+ N130 was higher than the control variant N10P30K40 (Control) in all 4 years of research, but lower than the variant with the same nitrogen fertilizer rate and the use of IN, variant Control + N130+IN, and also lower than the variant with a reduced nitrogen fertilizer rate and the use of IN (Control + N120+IN). Thus, in the variant Control + N130, the maize yield was 99.7 centner/ha in 2018, 77.5 centner/ha in 2019, 83.8 centner/ha in 2020 and 97.7 centner/ha in 2021, which averaged 89.7 centner/ ha over the 4 years of research. The correlation coefficient was positive only in June for all experimental variants and ranged from 0.42 to 0.55. The correlation coefficient had a negative value in July and August for all experimental variants and ranged from -0.25 to -0.67. Conclusions. It was found that the highest level of maize NDVI and yield were in the experimental variants with an increased rate of nitrogen fertilizers and with and without the use of a nitrification inhibitor for all years of research in 2018-2021. Thus, the NDVI for the years of research 2018-2021 and on average for three months ranged from 0.55-0.66 in the variant Control + N120+IN, 0.55-0.67 in the variant Control + N130+IN and 0.55-0.69 in the variant Control + N130. The yield of maize on average for 4 years of research in 2018-2021 was also at the highest level in these variants and amounted to 97.5 centner/ha in the variant Control + N120+IN, 95.2 centner/ha in the variant Control + N130+IN and 89.7 centner/ha in the variant Control + N130. The correlation coefficient of NDVI with maize yield was positive but at a low level only in June for all experimental variants and all years of research and ranged from 0.42 to 0.55.


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