Keywords: innovation, innovative processes, innovative activity, innovations in the field of agricultural production.


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the process of introducing innovations into the production activity of agrarian enterprises. The appropriate legal basis for the transition to an innovative type of development of productive forces in agricultural production is outlined. The analysis of scientists on the issues of innovative processes and innovative activity, features and regularities of their manifestation in agricultural production was carried out. Innovations in agricultural production were identified according to the approaches of scientists, which are presented in the tables. Based on the analysis of scientists, the definition «Innovation in agricultural production» is given, it is appropriate to understand it as an innovation or improvement of its (agricultural production) components, which shows their qualitative characteristics. The specificity of the application of the basic provisions of the theory of innovation to agricultural production is substantiated, which is due to the peculiarities of the industry itself – the «weaving» of its technological processes into the processes that take place in the natural environment, participation in the production of living organisms, which can also act as objects of innovation. And also the definition of innovative activity in agricultural production is given, by which we understand the complex process of creating new or more productive high-yield varieties, livestock, elite seeds, high-performance agricultural machines, aggregates, etc., the introduction of progressive technical-technological, organizational-economic and management solutions, commercialization of modern consumer norms. In summary, a distinctive feature of innovations in the field of agricultural production is a group of innovations associated with the presence of biological elements in the agricultural production system, which should include not only agricultural crops and animals, but also agricultural land. Land, as the most important means of production in this area, is a special object of innovation.


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