Keywords: plant height, cob attachment height, leaf surface area of corn, mineral fertilisers, developmental stages.


Purpose. To determine the effect of fertilizers and plant growth regulators on the formation of plant height, cob attachment height and leaf area of corn plants. Methods. Field, analytical and statistical. The research was conducted in 2022-2023 at the private agricultural enterprise “Svitanok” in Kyiv region according to the following scheme: Factor A. Mineral fertilizers (kg/ha d.m.) 1. No fertilizers; 2. N50Р30K30; 3. N70Р50K50; 4. N90Р70K70 Factor B. Foliar fertilisation with fertilisers and plant growth regulators 1. No application; 2. Nutrivant Universal (2 kg/ha) in the phase of 3-5 leaves of corn (ВВСН 13-16); 3. Nutrivant plus Grain (2 kg/ha) in the phase of 3-5 leaves of corn (ВВСН 13-16) + Atlante (0.5 l/ha) in the phase of 7-8 leaves of corn (ВВСН 17-18); 4. Ikar Bigo Roots (0.5 l/ha) in the phase of 3-4 corn leaves (ВВСН 13-14) + Ikar Fosto (0.5 l/ha) in the phase of 4-5 corn leaves (ВВСН 15-16) + Ikar Zinto (0.5 l/ha) in the phase of 7-8 corn leaves (ВВСН17-18). The corn hybrid SI Octeon (FAO 380) was sown. Results. The obtained experimental data show that a linear increase in plant height occurred up to the phase of waxy grain ripeness (ВВСН 85). The dynamics of changes in the leaf surface area in the phase of milk ripeness of grain (ВВСН 76) indicates a general tendency to decrease this indicator, which is a physiological characteristic of the plant. Thus, the decrease in this indicator in this period of accounting, compared to the phase flowering (ВВСН 65) is 2.8-5.7 %, regardless of the factors studied. Based on the analysis of variance, it was found that the height and leaf area of corn plants were most influenced by mineral fertilisers – 80.1 and 75.6 %. Fertilizers and growth regulators in foliar feeding affect these indicators at the level of 8.2 and 11.4 %. Conclusions. The maximum values of corn plant height were obtained in the variants with the main fertilizer N90Р70K70 and foliar fertilization with fertilizers and growth regulators Ikar Bigo Roots (0.5 l/ha) + Ikar Fosto (0.5 l/ha) + Ikar Zinto (0.5 l/ha) – 240.1 cm. At the same time, the height of the cob attachment was 102.5 cm. The largest leaf surface area was obtained in the flowering phase (ВВСН 65) when corn plants were fertilized in the phase of 3-4 leaves of corn with Ikar Bigo Roots (0.5 l/ha), again in the phase of 4-5 leaves of corn with Ikar Fosto (0.5 l/ha) and in the phase of 7-8 leaves of corn with Ikar Zinto (0.5 l/ha) – 52.5 thousand m2/ha.


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