Keywords: sea buckthorn, Hippophae rhamnoides, green cuttings, propagation technology, rhizogenesis.


Purpose. The purpose of this research work was to study the influence of new domestic and foreign-made rooting stimulators on the rooting of green sea buckthorn cuttings (Hippophae rhamnoides) and to optimize the cutting time of this species in the conditions of climate changes in recent years. Methods. During the research, general scientific and special methods were used, including: analysis, observation, field method, laboratory, calculation and comparison. Results. The article presents the results of research on the timing of grafting of sea buckthorn varieties Lybid, Kyivskyi Yantar, Slava, Adam with green cuttings during 2020-2023 in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. According to the results of the research, it was determined that the first decade of July is favorable for the process of grafting sea buckthorn of the Kyivskyi Yantar variety; for Lybid and Adam varieties – the second or third decade of July; Slava variety – the first decade of August. The research demonstrates the results of using rhizogenesis stimulators of domestic and foreign production. Lybid variety had high rooting rates – 94% and Adam – 96% when using the drug. The effectiveness of the use of the domestic drug patent No. 94317 was determined, when using which the indicators of rooting of green cuttings were 84-92% at the optimal time of cuttings. The dependence of the number of rooted cuttings on the sex of the mother plants was observed. Conclusions. It was established that during the period of grafting of sea buckthorn using the green cutting method, it is advisable to use Rhizopon AA 2% preparations and a domestic agent for stimulating root formation (Patent No. 94317). The optimal time for grafting varieties Lybid, Adam was determined – the second or third decade of July; Kyivskyi Yantar – the first decade of July, Slava – the first decade of August.


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