Keywords: chickpea, variety, yield, direction of use, growing area, ammonium nitrate, nodule bacteria.


The article analyzes the current state of the directions of economic use of varieties of Cicer arietinum L. and determined its prospects for growing in conditions of high intensity of climate change. Allocated available in the State Register varieties of chickpeas suitable for distribution on the territory of our state in the zone of Forest-steppe and Steppe. Generalized data on the dynamics of their use over the years with the given characteristics of varieties on the complex of valuable economic features. It is established that as of 2024 in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine there are 21 varieties of chickpeas. The most promising varieties are determined by the group of ripeness, the level of yield and other qualitative indicators. The economic characteristics of chickpea plants of the varieties Pamiat ta Triumf are studied. According to the literary sources of domestic and foreign scientific works, when comparing the results obtained with the characteristics of the varieties presented by the originator, the coincidence of varietal characteristics for all indicators was obtained. Given the economic and valuable characteristics, good technological affiliation, a high degree of suitability for adverse environmental factors, chickpea varieties Pamiat ta Triumf can be distinguished from the varieties available in the State Register suitable for distribution in Ukraine as a valuable source of vegetable protein that can be grown in intensive technologies for growing the right-bank Foreststeppe of Ukraine. The relevance of the analysis, comparisons and research is justified by the tasks of applied research on the basis of research sites of the Vinnitsa National Agrarian University during the writing of a scientific work on the topic (“Optimization of the elements of chickpea cultivation technology in the conditions of the rightbank Forest-Steppe”). Introduction into production practice of highly productive varieties of chickpeas will reduce the deficiency of vegetable protein, as well as improve the physical, chemical and phytosanitary condition of the soil.


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