Keywords: buckwheat, variety, sowing time, leaf area, productivity, yield.


The article presents the results of the study of the influence of sowing time on the productivity of buckwheat varieties in the conditions of southern Ukraine. According to the results of the study, it was found that the influence of sowing time on the productivity of buckwheat varieties in the conditions of southern Ukraine is a complex and multifaceted problem. The optimal choice of sowing time requires an integrated approach based on temperature conditions, soil moisture and daylight hours. Our research has shown that the most favorable conditions for plant growth and development were recorded in 2020. It was recorded that the best conditions for the survival of buckwheat plants were in 2020 – 166-163 units/m2 (or 94%), while in 2021 this figure was the lowest – 122-120 units/m2 or 71%. The low survival rate in 2021 was due to the loss of plants due to drought. The highest percentage of plant survival (84.2-88.0%, depending on the variety) was recorded when buckwheat was sown in the first ten days of May. Sowing buckwheat varieties in the first decade of May contributed to an increase in plant height by 8-12%, depending on the variety (on average over the years of research). At the same sowing date, more intensive formation of leaf surface area was recorded. On average, in 2020-2021, the variety Yelena was the leader in leaf surface area in the flowering phase and at the beginning of fruit formation – 40.4 and 42.4 thousand m2/ha, which was 14-16% higher than the variety Oranta (on average for sowing dates). Under favorable agro-meteorological conditions of the second sowing term, buckwheat crops had 6-24% more assimilative leaf area compared to other terms. For two years, the highest yield was recorded when sown in the first decade of May for both varieties. The variety Yelena showed the best result, reaching a maximum yield of 1.63 t/ha when sown at this time. The general conclusion from the research and practical experience is that the right sowing date can significantly affect the high quality and quantity of buckwheat harvest. The greatest attention should be paid to temperature conditions, soil moisture and daylight hours when choosing the optimal sowing period. It is important to take into account the specifics of each buckwheat variety, as different varieties may show different responses to changes in climatic conditions.


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