Inheritance of the length of the principal ear in soft winter wheat hybrids obtained by crossing different ecotypes

Keywords: combination of crossing, parental forms, hybrids, degree dominance, type of inheritance, the main spike’s length


The purpose of the research is to establish the formation of the length of the main spike in parent forms and the first generation hybrids to determine the degree of the phenotypic dominance and the type of the inheritance in F1 under the reciprocal crosses of wheat varieties of soft winter forest-steppe, steppe and western european ecotypes. Methods. In the conditions of the experimental field of the research and production center Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University in 2022–2023 investigated the hybrid combinations, created by the hybridization of varieties: Zorepad bilotserkivskyi (Zor. bc.), Kvitka poliv (Kv. poliv) – forest-steppe ecotype; Lastivka odes’ka (Last. Unit.), Znahidka odes’ka (Znah. unit.) – steppe ecotype; Mulan, Fidelius – western european ecotype. The seeds of the F1 were sown by a hand seeder according to the scheme: ♀ maternal form – F1 – ♂ male form. The biometric analysis of the studied selection material carried out on an average sample of 25 plants in the triplicate. The degree of the phenotypic dominance (hp) of the main spike’s length in hybrids was determined according to the formula B. Griffing. The data was grouped according to classification G. M. Beil, R. E. Atkins. Results. Within two years in the reciprocal hybrids Kvitka poliv ↔ Lastivka odes’ka, Znahidka odes’ka ↔ Fidelius and combinations ♀ Lastivka odes’ka / ♂ Zorepad bilotserkivskyi, ♀ Kvitka poliv / ♂ Mulan, ♀ Mulan / ♂ Zorepad bilotserkivskyi, ♀ Fidelius / ♂ Zorepad bilotserkivskyi, ♀ Znahidka odes’ka / ♂ Mulan, ♀ Lastivka odes’ka / ♂ Fidelius the main spike’s length was inherited by positive superdomination. The combination of ♀ Zorepad bilotserkivskyi / ♂ Kvitka poliv – an intermediate inheritance. The other hybrids varied as indicators of the degree of the phenotypic dominance, and the type of inheritance. Conclusions. 1. The inheritance of the main spike’s length of the soft winter wheat with reciprocal crosses of forest-steppe, steppe and western european ecotypes the majority followed by positive overdomination. The indicators of the degree of phenotypic dominance of the spike’s F1 length, in years of research, modified both in the combinations of crossing, and so the conditions of the year. 2. For the longer main spike’s length (8.5-9.3 cm) in 2022, they identified: ♀ Kvitka poliv ↔ Fidelius; Znahidka odes’ka ↔ Fidelius; Lastivka odes’ka ↔ Fidelius; Mulan ↔ Fidelius; ♀ Znahidka odes’ka / ♂ Mulan and Kvitka poliv ↔ Lastivka odes’ka. In 2023: Znahidka odes’ka ↔ Mulan (10.4; 11.4 cm); ♀ Lastivka odes’ka / ♂ Mulan (10.4 cm); ♀ Znahidka odes’ka / ♂ Fidelius (10.2 cm); Kvitka poliv ↔ Lastivka odes’ka (10.1 cm; 10.2 cm); ♀ Mulan / ♂ Zorepad bilotserkivskyi (10.0 cm) – 2023. 3. In 2022–2023 the inheritance of the main spike’s length by positive superdomination determined by the reciprocal crosses Kvitka poliv ↔ Lastivka odes’ka, Znahidka odes’ka ↔ Fidelius and in combinations of ♀ Lastivka odes’ka / ♂ Zorepad bilotserkivskyi, ♀ Kvitka poliv / ♂ Mulan, ♀ Mulan / ♂ Zorepad bilotserkivskyi, ♀ Fidelius / ♂ Zorepad bilotserkivskyi, ♀ Znahidka odes’ka / ♂ Mulan, ♀ Lastivka odes’ka / ♂ Fidelius.


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