Wintering of winter wheat and formation of elements of crop structure depending on seed treatment with biological preparations

Keywords: plant preservation, tillering, productive stems, seed weight, microfertilisers, biostimulants, yield


Purpose. To find out the effect of pre-sowing treatment of winter wheat seeds with biological preparations on plant overwintering and formation of crop structure elements. Methods. Laboratory, measuring and weighing, mathematical and statistical. Results. It was determined that after treatment of seeds with the biostimulant Emistim C, the wintering of plants increased by 9,9 %, and with the microfertiliser Avatar 1 – by 9,8 %. The combined use of these preparations increased the overwintering of plants by 10,9 % compared to the control and by 1,0–1,1 % compared to the treatment with only one of the preparations. There was no significant increase in plant overwintering depending on pre-sowing seed treatment with one of these preparations separately. In all years, wintering of winter wheat plants was significantly higher compared to the control. Pre-sowing treatment of seeds with growth stimulator Emistim C or microfertiliser Avatar 1 and in combination with both preparations provided a significant increase in the tillering coefficient and the formation of the number of productive stems compared to the control. The coefficient of productive tillering increased by 0,2–0,4 units, which ensured the formation of a significantly higher number of productive stems – by 197–254 pcs./m2, compared to the control. The weight of seeds per ear significantly increased when seeds were treated with the stimulant Emistim C (by 0,13 g), fertiliser Avatar 1 by (0,14 g) and with their joint application by 0,12 g compared to the control. The increase in tillering coefficient, number of productive stems and weight of seeds per ear ensured an increase in winter wheat seed yield by 0,3–0,7 t/ha, depending on the pre-sowing treatment of the seed with biological products. Conclusions. Pre-sowing treatment of winter wheat seed with biological preparations Emistim C and Avatar 1 helps to increase plant preservation until spring, form elements of the crop structure and, as a result, increase seed yield.


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