The effectiveness of the use of biological preparations in the cultivation of confectionery sunflower in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: sunflower, biological preparations, organic farming, productivity, seed quality


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to justify the useof Groundfix biopreparation on sunflower crops under differentapplication methods in the conditions of the Steppeof Ukraine. Methods. The research was conducted on thebasis of the “U Samvela” farm of Odesa region, Bilyaiv district.In the process of conducting research, general scientificand special research methods were used (field, measurement-weight, correlation, regression, dispersion, comparative-calculation). Variants of the experiment are placedin 3 repetitions by a systematic method. The area underthe experiment is 3.5 hectares, the total area of the plot inthe experiment is 1500 m2, the accounting area is 200 m2.The predecessor is winter wheat after winter rapeseed. Azoned confectionery hybrid sunflower named the Goodwinwas sown. Results. According to the variants of the experimentas a whole, the application of Groundfix had a positive effect on the growth and development of sunflower plants.Despite the fact that the use of the Groundfix preparationat the rate of 5 l/ha at the same time as the soil herbicidemade it possible to obtain plants with a slightly lower height(178.3 cm) with a smaller leaf surface area (0.412 cm2) thanthe option with the introduction of the preparation underpre-sowing cultivation (182.0 cm and 0.419 cm2, respectively),but it contributed to the formation of the sunflowerblossoms with the largest diameter (21.23 cm) and thehighest yield (2.21 t/ha) in the experiment. Also, in this variant,the largest mass of 1000 seeds (85.4 g) and the largestyield of pure kernels (74.9%) were provided. The variantwith the application of Groundfix 0.75 l/ha per row provideda yield of 2.15 t/ha, the weight of 1000 seeds of 81.3 g, andthe yield of pure kernel of 74.4%. When applying Groundfix5 l/ha under pre-sowing cultivation, the difference from thecontrol variant in the structure of the crop was the smallest.Conclusions. The use of the Groundfix biopreparationduring the cultivation of confectionary sunflower in generalshowed its effectiveness to varying degrees and allowed toincrease the yield compared to the control option (withoutthe use of biopreparations).


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