• S.O. ZAYETSʹ Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • L.I. ONUFRAN Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.A. KOVALENKO Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: wheat, steam, plant protection, fertilizers, seeding rate, yield, grain quality, economic efficiency.


Aim. To determine the impact of plant protection, fertilizer rates and seed sowing on the productivity of winter wheat when grown on black steam and optimize the system of their integrated use to obtain maximum yield with high grain quality in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. The research was conducted at the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS in a 3-factor field experiment in non-irrigated conditions. Factor A – plant protection and without it; factor B – without fertilizers, N30 and N60; factor C – sowing rates – 3, 4, and 5 million similar seeds per 1 hectare. The estimated area of the plot is 31.5 m2, the repetition is four times. Harvesting was carried out with a combine “Sampo – 130”. Results. It was found that when growing winter wheat on black steam grain yield significantly depends on the complex action of plant protection, fertilizers and seeding rates and in three years ranged from 3,63 to 5,02 t/ha, or 38,3 %. Against the background of fertilizers N30 and N60 due to plant protection additionally stored respectively 0,51–0,64 and 0,82–1,25 t/ha of grain. The maximum grain yield of 5,42 t/ha of winter wheat was provided in variants with a sowing rate of 3 million seeds per 1 hectare, application of N60 fertilizers and protection of plants from weeds, diseases and pests. Sowing seeds by the same rate on the background of N30 application and plant protection provides lower yields – 5,26 t/ha, which is 0,16 t/ha less than when applying N60. However, this difference in yield was within the error of the experiment. Conclusion. In the arid conditions of the south of Ukraine, the high grain yield of 5,26 t/ha of winter wheat, when grown on black steam, provides 3 million/ha, application of N30 fertilizers and protection of plants from weeds, diseases and pests. At the same time, the grain met the requirements of the first-second class DSTU 3868–2010. In this case, a high conditional net profit of 4677 UAH/ha at a level of profitability of 98 %.


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