Influence of fertilization system on linear dimensions of maize plants

Keywords: trace elements, fertilizers, corn, developmental stage, macronutrients, plant height, fertilization


The purpose of the research: to study the effect offertilizing with macro- and microelements on the formationof linear plant sizes on the example of the studied medium-late maize hybrid SI Zephyr (FAO 430). Researchmethods: laboratory, field, laboratory and field mathematicaland statistical. Optimization of plant nutrition to improvegrowth processes is the foundation of future plant productivityby creating crops with favorable linear plant sizes,which once again confirms the importance of the fertilizersystem in the realization of the genetic potential of maizehybrids. The study of the effect of the fertilizer system onthe manifestation of linear plant sizes was conducted during2021-2022 at Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University ontypical leached, low-humus, coarse-dusty light loam soilsformed on carbonate loess. The effectiveness of the fertilizersystem for the manifestation of morphological traitswas studied on crops of the medium-late maize hybrid SIZephyr (FAO 430). Research results. Plant height wasdetermined in the phase of 7-8 leaves, flowering panicles,milk ripeness and full grain ripeness. We found that in thephase of 7-8 leaves, the lowest plant height was noted inthe control variant (without fertilization) and in 2021 it was50.7 cm, and in 2022 – 48.3 cm, the use of nitrogen fertilizers before sowing at a rate of 40 kg d.p./ha contributed toan increase in plant height compared to the control by 4.1and 5.1 cm, in the variant with the use of nitrogen fertilizersbefore sowing at a rate of 40 kg d.p./ha in combination withthe introduction of microfertilizer Nutri Vant Plus Corn – thegrowth was 4.4 and 5.7 cm, the use of nitrogen fertilizersbefore sowing at a rate of 40 kg d.p./ha in combination withthe application of Vuksal P Max microfertilizer ensured anincrease in plant height by 4.3 and 5.4 cm, and the applicationof nitrogen fertilizers before sowing at a rate of40 kg d.p./ha in combination with the application of RosalikZn, P, N, S microfertilizer – by 3.9 and 5.9 cm, respectively.The height of plants in the flowering phase of paniclesincreased by 164.86-183.78 cm compared to the heightof plants in the phase of 7-8 leaves. The use of fertilizersprovided an increase in plant height by 4.0-10.4 cm comparedto the control variant. In the phase of milk ripeness, anincrease in plant height was also noted in the variants withthe use of macro- and microfertilizers. The highest value ofplant height was noted in the phase of full grain ripeness, inthe control variant – 239.4 and 214.5 cm, in the variant withthe application of nitrogen fertilizers before sowing at a rateof 40 kg d.p./ha – 243.1 and 224.0 cm, in the variant with theapplication of nitrogen fertilizers before sowing at a rate of40 kg d.p./ha in combination with the application of microfertilizerNutrivant Plus Corn – 244.1 and 225.6 cm, the use ofnitrogen fertilizers before sowing at a rate of 40 kg d.p./ha incombination with the application of Vuksal P Max microfertilizer– 244.8 and 226.6 cm, and the application of nitrogenfertilizers before sowing at a rate of 40 kg d.p./ha in combinationwith the application of Rosalik Zn, P, N, S microfertilizer– 243.7 and 225.3 cm, respectively. Conclusions. Theresults of our research have established that the formationof the architectonics of sowing of the medium-late maizehybrid SI Zephyr significantly depends on the fertilizer applicationsystem. The best option for the formation of linearplant sizes was the variant with the use of nitrogen fertilizersbefore sowing at a rate of 40 kg d.p./ha in combinationwith the application of microfertilizer NutriVant Plus Corn ata rate of 2 l/ha in the phase of milk ripeness, an averageof 235.4 cm for two years of research and 235.7 cm in thephase of full grain ripeness.


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