The relationship between resistance of vegetative mass to diseases and yield of tomato

Keywords: tomato, protected soil, hybrid, technology, fungicide, plant protection, productivity


Goal. The goal is to study the effectiveness of the useof Champion (copper hydroxide 770 g/kg) for plant protectionby determining the optimal concentration in thecontext of obtaining the maximum yield. Methods. Fieldexperiment, analytical and statistical methods of experimentaldata processing. Scientific field research was conductedduring 2018–2021 at the experimental site of theState Biotechnology University, located in the village ofDokuchaevske, Kharkiv District, Kharkiv Region. Duringthe growing season of plants, phenological and biometricmeasurements were carried out, productivity, fruitmass, and marketability were recorded. The results. Inthe results of the research, the average indicators of the field experiment for four years are presented. Phenologicalobservations indicate that, according to all variants ofthe experiment, the phases of plant development beganalmost simultaneously. The indicators obtained in theexperiment indicate that the difference in the biometricparameters of tomato plants can be traced depending onthe concentration of the Champion drug used for processing.The results of the research show that the treatment ofplants with the preparation of copper hydroxide 770 g/kgChampion in concentrations of 60 g/10 l and 90 g/10 lhelped to successfully restrain the development of suchfungal diseases as phytophthora, Alternaria and bacterialspot. Conclusions. The results of studies of indeterminateF1 tomato hybrids by Panekra and Mathias indicate thatthe treatment of fungi susceptible to fungal diseases witha fungicide based on the preparation of copper hydroxide770 g/kg is effective and provides guaranteed protection inconcentrations above 60 g/10 l. The use of the Championdrug in a concentration of 60 g/10 l showed the greatestefficiency in the formation of the total yield at the level forthe hybrid Panekra F1 at the level of 17.2 kg/m2, for thehybrid Matias F1 – 17.4 kg/m2.


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