The influence of varietal properties on the formation of elements of productivity and productivity with it in the conditions of the Left Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: soybean, variety, gross production, productivity, elements of productivity


Purpose. To establish the dependence of the level of formation of seed productivity of soybeans on varietal properties, to formulate recommendations for improving the culture cultivation technology in the conditions of the Left Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were expected to be performed: determine the duration of the vegetation period of soybean varieties; to investigate the manifestation of performance elements; to establish the yield level of the researched varieties. Methods. Scientific research was carried out during 2021–2023 by laboratory and field methods. Repetition in experiments – three times. For a detailed study of the peculiarities of the formation of the productivity of different varieties of soybeans, the varieties of soybeans of the early ripening group included in the Register, recommended for cultivation in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, were sown in the experiments. Results. According to the results of three years of research, the earliest ripening varieties were Diona and Pysanka, respectively, 93 and 96 days, while Feniks had the longest growing season – 108 days. The highest plant height of 86.4 cm was in the Feniks variety. The height of the lower beans in all varieties is above 10 cm. The ES Mentor variety has the highest rate of lower bean attachment – 14.7 cm on average over the years. Resistance to lodging and shattering in the studied varieties was at the level of 8–9 points. The highest index of the number of beans per plant was formed by the variety Pysanka – 65.4 pcs. on average over the years. The maximum number of seeds per plant was formed by the KiVin variety – 96.7 pcs. The index of seed weight per plant between the studied varieties varied from 15.4 g in the ES Mentor variety to 22.8 g in the KiVin variety. The largest weight of 1000 seeds was formed by the variety KiVin – 183.5 g and Pysanka – 172.4 g. According to the results of three years of research, the maximum yield was formed by the KiVin variety – 2.51 t/ha, the Pysanka variety formed a yield of 0.17 t/ha less than the KiVin variety and it amounted to 2.34 t/ha. In 2022, the yield of Diona was 2.27 t/ha, KiVin – 2.69 t/ha, Pysanka – 2.54 t/ha, ES Mentor – 2.15 t/ha, Feniks – 2.39 t/ha. The average yield in 2022 was 2.41 t/ha and was the highest in the years of research. In general, the minimum yield level was formed in 2023 and amounted to 2.09 t/ha for Diona, 2.37 t/ha for KiVin, 2.12 t/ha for Pysanka, 1.98 t/ha for ES Mentor, and 2.18 t/ha for Feniks. The average yield in 2023 was the lowest for the years of research – 2.15 t/ha. In 2021, the yield of Diona was 2.19 t/ha, KiVin – 2.46 t/ha, Pysanka – 2.37 t/ha, ES Mentor – 2.04 t/ha, Feniks – 2.31 t/ha. The average yield in 2021 was 2.27 t/ha. Conclusions. An important factor that influences the formation of yields and their stable manifestation over the years is the optimal ratio of agrotechnical measures and the selection of a variety based on the soil and climatic conditions of the growing area. The highest plant height (86.4 cm) was observed in the soybean variety Phoenix, and the best performance in the height of the lower bean (14.7 cm) was observed in the variety ES Mentor on average over the years. The highest index of the number of beans per plant was formed by the variety Pysanka – 65.4 pcs, the weight of 1000 seeds of the variety KiVnin – 183.5 g and Pysanka – 172.4 g. The study of the grain productivity of early-ripening soybean varieties showed that the best grain yield (2.51 t/ha) was provided by the KiVin variety, which realized its varietal properties and adaptability to specific growing conditions.


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