Ecological aspects of nutrition: sustainable, biodynamic and organic agriculture

Keywords: sustainable agriculture, biodynamic production, organic farming, biodiversity, ecological standards, food products


Purpose. Assess the impact of sustainable, biodynamic and organic agriculture on environmental aspects, taking into account their potential to increase environmental sustainability and promote healthy eating. Methods. Analytical review to carry out a comprehensive analysis of scientific sources, publications and reports related to sustainable, biodynamic and organic agriculture, as well as their impact on ecological aspects of nutrition; comparative analysis to compare the effectiveness of sustainable, biodynamic and organic farming methods with traditional methods in terms of environmental sustainability and quality of food products; a modeling method for assessing the future development of organic agriculture and its impact on the ecological aspects of nutrition. Results. Aspects of sustainable, biodynamic and organic agriculture are considered, analyzing their impact on the environment, food quality and human health. The main attention is paid to the shortcomings of industrial agriculture, which, despite high productivity indicators, negatively affects the health of animals, people and the environment. Considered sustainable, biodynamic and organic agriculture as an alternative, which includes the application of principles and methods aimed at minimizing harm to humans, animals and the environment. The importance of the transition to sustainable, biodynamic and organic agriculture to ensure environmental safety, healthy nutrition and sustainable development of society is substantiated. Conclusions. Sustainable agriculture plays a key role in preserving natural resources for the use of future generations by creating fertile soils that are essential for the efficient growth of food crops. The use of sustainable agricultural methods makes it possible to efficiently use fresh water resources and ensure its purity from toxic pollutants for other ecosystems and consumers. Sustainable agriculture reduces dependence on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and promotes a diversity of plant life. Ensuring the sustainability of agriculture must include not only economic profitability, but also environmental cleanliness and social and economic justice. The development of biodynamic and organic agriculture contributes not only to the production of healthy products, but also to strengthening the ecological, social and economic stability of the country.


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