Peculiarities of growing silphium perfoliatum depending on the elements of technology
Purpose. To establish the influence of growing conditions on elements of productivity and yield of the phytomass of silphium perfoliatum. Methods. Field – laying experiments, recording the harvest of stems, laboratory – physical – measuring the height, diameter of stems, the number of internodes, leaf sizes, calculation – statistical. Results. The highest height of the plants of silphium perfoliatum was noted in the phase of the death of aboveground green mass with the application of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N60 and was 195.6 cm, which is 23.8 cm more than the control and 11.5 cm more than the version with the application of N30. It should be noted that the diameter of the stem at the base of the plant was the largest in the areas with the use of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N60 and was 1.1 cm, somewhat smaller indicators of the diameter of the stem were noted in the version with the application of the N30 fertilizer norm 0.8 cm, and in the control this indicator was 0.6 cm. The weight of the dry plant of silphium perfoliatum in the control was 27.4 g, N30 – 31.7 g, N60 – 35.0 g. The highest indicators of the weight of the dry plant were obtained in the variant with the introduction of nitrogen mineral fertilizers in the dose of N60 – 35.0 g. The pre-harvest stand density of silphium perfoliatum in the control (without fertilizers) was 32.4 pcs./m2, with the use of nitrogen mineral fertilizers, an increase in the stand density was observed, namely, when applying N30 – 35.4 pcs./m2, and N60 – 37.6 pcs./m2. The maximum yield on average during the research period was obtained with the application of nitrogen mineral fertilizer in the dose of N60 – 13.1 t/ha. Application of N30 ensured productivity at the level of 11.2 t/ha, and 8.8 t/ha in the control. Conclusions. According to the results of research, it was established that the introduction of nitrogen mineral fertilizers in a dose of N60 ensured the maximum height of silphium perfoliatum plants of 195.6 cm, the diameter of the stem at the base was 1.1 cm, and the number of internodes was 7.2 pcs./plant. When applying nitrogen fertilizers in a dose of N60, the largest dry plant weight was obtained – 35.0 g, with a stand density of 37.6 pcs./m2 and a dry biomass yield of 13.1 t/ha.
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