Formation of the photosynthetic potential of potatoes depending on the influence of fertilization systems and foliar fertilization
Goal. The research involved studying the impact of the combined use of fertilization systems and foliar fertilizing with liquid organo-mineral fertilizers on the formation of the potato assimilation apparatus and photosynthetic potential. Methods. Research continued from 2014 to 2017 at the Polish National University on the basis of a scientific research field. Fertilizer options: biological control, organic system (manure 50 t/ha), organo-mineral (50:50) and mineral (N50P40K70). For foliar fertilization, liquid organo-mineral fertilizers Mochevyn K No1, Mochevyn K No2, Organic D2M and Humate potassium were used. The experiment is based on generally accepted methods. The area of the potato leaf surface was determined by the method of cuttings. Foliar treatment of potatoes with liquid organo-mineral fertilizers was carried out twice in the phase of intensive growth according to recommendations. The results. In 2014, the leaf surface area of potatoes in the full seedling phase ranged from 5.0 to 5.09, depending on the fertilization systems. During the flowering phase, the leaf surface area was the highest under the organo- mineral fertilization system (50:50) and amounted to 35.40 thousand m2/ha. During 2015, the area of the potato assimilation apparatus in the phase of full emergence grew from 4.98 to 5.08 thousand m2/ha. In the flowering phase, under the organo-mineral fertilization system (50:50), the highest leaf surface area of potatoes was obtained, which was 35.0 thousand m2/ha. Under the organo-mineral and mineral fertilization systems, the use of ROMD Organic D2M and Humate potassium contributed to the growth of the indicators of the leaf surface area from 35.5 to 35.7 thousand m2/ha. In 2017, the development of the potato assimilation apparatus was the lowest. In the phase of full growth, it ranged from 4.8 to 5.0 thousand m2/ha. The area of the leaf surface in the flowering phase was the highest under the organo-mineral fertilization system and amounted to 32.5 thousand m2/ha. The formation of the highest leaf surface area was influenced by organo-mineral and mineral fertilization systems with foliar application of ROMD Organic D2M and Humate potassium, where it increased from 34.9 to 35.3 thousand m2/ha. The photosynthetic potential of potatoes, on average over the years of research, was the highest under the organo- mineral fertilization system and amounted to 916 thousand m2/ha *day, and the application of the preparations Organic D2M and Humate potassium to this system contributed to its growth from 1032 to 1038 thousand m2/ha *days. Conclusions. The formation of the potato leaf surface and photosynthetic potential depended both on fertilization systems and on the use of liquid organo-mineral fertilizers. The leaf surface area (in the seedling and flowering phase) and photosynthetic potential was the highest under the conditions of 2014. The other years (2015–2017) were dry, so the development of the assimilation apparatus was slowed down.
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