Corn productivity depending on its share in crop rotation and fertilization

Keywords: corn, crop rotation, saturation of crop rotation with corn, fertilization system, yield, productivity


Significant areas of corn cultivation in Ukraine are concentrated in the Steppe zone, despite the fact that the steppe region has always been characterized by high temperature regimes and a lack of precipitation. Taking into account changes in the structure of crop areas, the use of short rotation crop rotations on farms, and a reduction in the list of agricultural crops, corn remains the main crop, but its productivity tends to decrease. Therefore, it has become an urgent issue for practitioners and especially scientists to develop and implement new elements of corn cultivation technologies with a justification of crop rotation and fertilization systems for today’s conditions. The purpose of our research was to establish the level of corn yield and productivity depending on the saturation of crop rotation with corn and fertilization systems. To study the impact of crop rotation on corn productivity depending on fertilization. Field studies on corn cultivation for grain were conducted in a stationary experiment at the agriculture laboratory in a two-field grain-row rotation crop and in monoculture at the base of the Institute of Steppe Agriculture of NAAS. In the study, Factor A was the saturation of crop rotation with corn for grain up to 50 % (grain-row crop rotation: 1. corn for grain; 2. sunflower) and corn cultivation in monoculture. Factor B was the fertilization systems: control (without fertilizers), mineral system N40P40K40, and organic-mineral system N40P40K40 + sunflower by-products. The highest corn yield was formed in a crop rotation with 100 % saturation with crops using the organic-mineral fertilization system, 3.99 t/ha, with a yield increase compared to a crop rotation with 50 % saturation of only 0.04 t/ha. Corn cultivation against the background of the organic-mineral fertilization system contributed to the highest yield increases, which, compared to monoculture corn cultivation, were 0.74 t/ha, or 18.6 %, and in a crop rotation with corn saturation up to 50 % – 0.92 t/ha, or 25.4 %. A higher output of yield grain, feed units, and digestible protein was obtained from corn cultivation in monoculture and the organic-mineral fertilization system – 4.82 t/ha, 7.25 t/ha, and 0.43 t/ha respectively. Cultivating corn for grain in a two-field grain-row crop rotation after sunflower is not advisable. Research has shown that corn plants produce higher productivity in monoculture plantings, especially on fertilized backgrounds.


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