Programming grain corn water use in the irrigated conditions of the South of Ukraine by the means of CROPWAT 8.0

Keywords: calibration, modelling, neural networks, error, regression analysis


Purpose. To evaluate the accuracy of programming the gross water use of grain corn by the means of CROPWAT 8.0 software and to propose a calibration model for irrigated conditions of the South of Ukraine to improve the performance of this software. Methods. We used data on the actual water use of grain corn, established in the field experiments of the Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine in 2019–2021 as a part of the study of agro-technological methods of the crop cultivation. The real volume of total water use was determined by the water balance method. The programmed value was established by the method of simulation modelling in the CROPWAT 8.0 software using in-field meteorological data. Using mathematical and statistical analysis methods, a comparison of the real and programmed volume of gross water use of grain corn was made. Calibration of CROPWAT 8.0 calculations is proposed using the regression model and the Tiberius artificial neural network using the error backpropagation algorithm (training in 1000 epochs, learning rate 0.80) is proposed. Results. Pure calculations in CROPWAT 8.0 were found to require calibration, as the mean absolute percentage error reached 26.00%. The calibrated model made it possible to significantly (up to 6.42%) reduce the calculation error. The artificial neural network Tiberius showed a slightly better result (5.65% error). However, for practical purposes, the regression calibrated model is more important. The adjusted CROPWAT 8.0 model provides an average quality of curve fitting (coefficient of determination is 0.66), while the artificial neural network probably has the disadvantage of overfitting the data (coefficient of determination is 0.99). Conclusions. CROPWAT 8.0 can be successfully applied to water use programming in corn plants, provided that the final calculations are adjusted. Further research in this direction will allow one to determine the most optimal corrective coefficient of the model and ensure its practical implementation.


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