Formation of plant biometric indicators and yield of spring barley depending on foliar fertilization in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: spring barley, stem density, leaf surface area, grain yield, range of variation


Purpose. To conduct an analysis and comparison of productivity and elements of individual productivity under the influence of foliar fertilizing with macro- and microfertilizers when growing spring barley in the conditions of the Northern Steppe. Methods. Research was conducted at the Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences during 2020–2022. The impact of foliar fertilizing with macro- and microfertilizers on the formation of biometric indicators of plants and the yield of spring barley was studied. The growing technology is generally accepted for the Steppe zone. Field research was carried out in accordance with generally accepted methods. Results. As a result of the research, it was established that foliar top dressing with macro- and microfertilizers contributed to the improvement of plant nutrition conditions, which positively affected the leaf surface area and the density of productive spring barley plants. The effectiveness of foliar fertilization depended on the form of fertilizers and the need for macro- and microelements when sowing after various predecessors. Conclusions. In the conditions of unstable moistening of the Northern Steppe, a higher yield of 5.35 t/ha after soybeans was obtained in the option of feeding Urea (10 kg/ha) + Magnesium sulfate (2 kg/ha), after winter wheat – 3.53 t/ha when applying Avangard R for grain (2 l/ha), sunflower – 4.34 t/ha, Urea (5 kg/ha) + Magnesium sulfate (2 kg/ha) + Avangard R for grain (2 l/ha); corn for grain – 3,55 t/ha in the magnesium sulfate variant (2 kg/ha). The range of variation R (max-min) of the yield of barley according to the top dressing options when sowing after soybeans was 0,46–1,09 t/ha with the coefficient of variation V = 3,2–6,3%, after winter wheat – 0,44–0,96 t/ha (4,9–10,3%), after sunflower – 0,54–1,03 t/ha (3,9–9,0%) and corn for grain – 0,40–0,68 t/ha (3,6–9,0%).


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