Yield capacity of modern soft winter wheat varieties in the conditions of Kirovohrad region

Keywords: Perepilka, Mudrist Odeska, Shchedrist Odeska, Podolianka, yeild, weather conditions


Soft winter wheat is the most important crop in theworld as its grain is used for human food and animal feed.Global climate changes lead to the increase of the intensityand frequency of extreme weather phenomena, whilethis crop is sensitive to them. Thus, the topicality arises ofusing soft winter wheat varieties having a high adaptivepotential, an important component of which is the toleranceto winter conditions. The purpose of the researchwas to determine the yield capacity of modern soft winterwheat varieties under definite soil and climatic conditionsof Kirovohrad region. Methods. Field experimentswere conducted in 2021–2023 in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine applying generally accepted agronomical practicefor sowing soft winter wheat of modern varieties (Perepilka,Mudrist Odeska, Shchedrist Odeska) and Podoliankastandard variety. Results. During the period of conductingthe experiments, the meteorological conditions turned outto be not the same, however, in general, they were favorablefor soft winter wheat cultivation. It was established thatduring the experiments, the yield capacity of soft winterwheat changed depending on varieties and weather conditions.Mudrist Odeska variety had the highest average yield(97.9 hundredweight/ha), which was by 46.0 % more thanPodolianka variety (67.0 hundredweight/ha), by 8.3 % thanShchedrist Odeska (90.4 hundredweight/ha), and by 11.9 %more than Perepilka variety (87.5 hundredweight/ha). Theyield capacity of soft winter wheat experimental varietiesin 2021 was within 71.3–102.4 hundredweight/ha, in2022 – 61.1 93.5 hundredweight/ha, while in 2023 the yieldcapacity was 68.7–97.8 hundredweight/ha. The least effectof weather conditions on the yield was fixed in ShchedristOdeska variety (3.1–6.3 %), and largest – in Podopiankavariety (12.6–14.3 %). Conclusions. During the years ofthe experiments, Mudrist Odeska variety turned out to bethe most high-yielding – 93.5–102.4 hundredweight/ha.The yield capacity of Perepilka variety (86.2–93.8 hundredweight/ha) on the average, was by 7.7 % lower thanof Mudrist Odeska variety and by 34.9 % higher than thatof the standard. Shchedrist Odeska variety had the yield of84.7–90.4 hundredweight/ha, which, on the average, wasby 10.6 % lower than Mudrist Odeska variety and by 30.5 %higher than Podolianka variety.


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