• A.M. VLASHCHUK Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.S. DROBIT Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • L.V. SHAPARʹ Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • M.M. PRYSHCHEPO Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.P. KONASHCHUK Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: winter rape, variety, sowing term, sowing rate, retardant, seeds, yield.


Purpose. To optimize the elements of technology for growing winter oilseed rape: to establish the seed productivity of the crop depending on the varietal composition, sowing dates, seeding rates and the use of retardants in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. The research was conducted during 2013–2018 in the experimental field of IOZ NAAS in the department of primary and elite seed production, according to the methods of field research. Results. During the period 2013–2015, it was revealed that the predominant influence on the formation of seed productivity of winter oilseed rape had the sowing period, the share of influence of which ranged from 46,3 to 68,0 %. According to the years of research, on average, sowing in the first decade of September is optimal. The share of the influence of varietal composition on the yield of crop seeds – 18,0–21,1 %; the most productive variety was Antaria. The sowing rates of 0,9 and 1,3 million units/ha did not have a significant effect on the seed productivity of winter oilseed rape varieties, but with a sowing rate of 1,1 million units/ha, the highest seed yield was obtained. For 2016–2018 the maximum seed productivity of the crop was ensured by the use of the drug Caramba Turbo when applying it in the fall at a rate of 1,2 l/ha in the phase of plant development of 4–5 leaves; in the spring – in the third decade of March. Conclusions. The maximum yield – 3,61 t/ha was obtained when sowing the variety Antaria in the first decade of September at a sowing rate of 1,1 million pieces/ha. In this case, the yield of conditioned seeds, the largest conditional net profit was obtained – 39,3 thousand UAH/ha. It was determined that the optimal conditions for the growth and development of crop plants were developed using Karamba Turbo and Unique in the fall – in the phase of 4–5 leaves; in the spring – in the third decade of March. The average seed yield was 2,85 t/ha and 2,61 t/ha, respectively. The largest conditionally net profit – 58,6 thousand UAH/ha was obtained when using in the fall fungicide–retardant Caramba Turbo in the development phase of 4–5 leaves at the lowest cost of 1 ton of seeds – 2,22 thousand. UAH/t to the highest level of profitability – 1 105,7 %. In the spring, the maximum conditional net profit is 81,5 thousand. UAH/ha at the lowest cost of 1 ton of seeds – 3,22 thousand UAH/t provided the introduction of the drug Caramba Turbo in the third decade of March, with the highest level of profitability – 1 106,2 %.


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