The purpose of the research is to determine the characteristics of the inheritance of the number of grains from the main ear in the first generation hybrids, obtained by hybridization with the maternal form of early ripening varieties of soft winter wheat. Methods. In the experimental field of the research and production center of Bila Tserkva NAU in 2018–2020, 20 combinations that were obtained from crossing early-maturing varieties were studied: Myronivska early, Kolchuga, Bilotserkivska semi-dwarf; middle-early: Zolotokolosa, Chornyava; medium-ripe: Stolychna, Vidrada, Antonivka, Yednist; middle-late: Dobirna and Vdala. Seeds F1 and parental forms were sown according to the scheme ♀–F1–♂. Biometric analysis of the test material was performed on an average sample of 25 plants in triplicate. Predecessor of grain mustard. Statistical processing of the obtained biometric data was carried out according to the method of E. R. Ehrmantraut (2018). The degree of phenotypic dominance was determined by B. Griffing (1950), and the obtained data were classified by G. M. Beil, R. E. Atkins (1965). Results. Over the course of three years, only in Myronivska early / Zolotokolosa, Bilotserkivska semi-dwarf / Zolotokolosa, Bilotserkivska semi-dwarf / Chernyava, Myronivska early / Antonivka, Myronivska early / Yednist and Bilotserkivska semidwarf / Antonivka, the crossing combinations of the trait were inherited by positive overdominance. Eleven hybrids determined the trait by negative overdominance (hр = -1.1–11.0), four by intermediate inheritance, and one by partial positive dominance. Conclusions. A significant influence of parental components of hybridization and year conditions on the formation of the number of spikelets of the main spike, an indicator of the degree of phenotypic dominance in the first generation hybrids, was established. The most common type of inheritance of the number of spikelets from the main spike in F1 by hybridization of early-ripening varieties of soft winter wheat with early-ripening, mid-early, mid-ripening and mid-late varieties was positive overdominance, which was determined in 75.0% of hybrids. Selected combinations of crossing Myronivska early / Zolotokolosa, Bilotserkivska semi-dwarf / Zolotokolosa, Bilotserkivska semi-dwarf / Chernyava, Myronivska early / Antonivka, Myronivska early / Yednist, Bilotserkivska semi-dwarf / Antonivka in which the inheritance of the number of ears from the main ear during 2018–2020 occurred according to positive overdominance.
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