Formation of the seed productivity of tomatoes at drip irrigation of South of Ukraine

Keywords: tomato, promising variety, sowing scheme, plant density, yield, seed quality


Goal. The aim of the research is to determine the influence of the scheme and plant density of industrial varieties of tomatoes on the formation of yield and quality of seeds under drip irrigation in the South of Ukraine. Methods. The researches were based on complex use of field, calculated-comparative mathematical-statistical, methods and system analysis. Results. It was determined that the elements of the technology of direct sowing in the open field of determinate varieties of tomato Kumach and Yuvileyniy significantly affect the biometric indicators of seed plants, the formation of yield and quality of seeds. It was determined that at densities from 30 to 50 thousand plans ha-1, an increase in plant height by 5,7% and a decrease in the number of lateral shoots were noted. The Kumach variety was characterized by the highest seed productivity (108,0 kg ha-1), which is 5.8% more than the Yuvileyny variety seed yield. The yield for schemes of 50+90 cm was 4,8%, for 50+160 cm – by 10,5% more compared to the wide-row scheme with a row spacing of 140 cm. Growing tomato seeds at a plant density of 40 000 plants ha-1 contributes to an increase in seed productivity by 20,7%, at a plant density of 50 000 plans ha-1 – by 40,8% compared to a density of 30 000 plans ha-1. Among the variants of the experiment, the highest seed yield was obtained in the Kumach variety (132,9 kg ha-1) with the sowing scheme of 50+160 cm and the density of 50 000 plans ha-1. A strong direct functional correlation between seed yield per unit area and seed yield per ton of fruit was revealed (correlation coefficient was 0,82). An increase in the density of plants from 30 000 to 50 000 plants ha-1 resulted in a 4,0% decrease in germination energy and a 3,2% decrease by seed germination. Conclusions. When growing seeds promising tomato varieties, increasing the density of plants of varieties Kumach and Yuvileyniy for sowing schemes of 50+160 cm, increasing the increased yield due to. The seed qualities of the use of the sowing scheme and the density of growing seed plants have no significant effect.


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