Control of weediness of soybean crops by agrotechnical measures in the conditions of the right bank forest steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: weed control measures, organic cultivation, spring harrow, rotary harrow, number of weeds, raw mass of weeds


The purpose of our research was to study the impact of weed control measures on weediness of soybean crops under organic cultivation. Methods. Field, analytical and statistical. The research was conducted in 2021–2022 in the conditions of the Training and Production Center of the BilaTserkva National Agrarian University according to the following scheme: 1. Without measures of weed control 2. Pre-emergence harrowing + harrowing of crops with a spring harrow General Strigel 3. Pre-emergence used spring harrow General Strigel + post-emergence application of rotary harrow HatzenbichlerStriegel in rows 4. Combined application for post-emergence processing of spring harrow General Strigel and rotary harrow HatzenbichlerStriegel in rows. The technology in the experiment met the requirements of organic production. The results. According to the research results, it was established that in the agrophytocenosis of soybeans was dominated of annual cereal species (37.6%) and dicotyledonous shortyear species (37.1%). Among the cereal components the largest share was occupied by the Setariaglauka L. (19.1%) and Echinóchloacrus-gálli (15.3%) and among the dicotyledonous – Amaranthusretroflexus L. (18.6%) and Chenopodiumalbum L (14.3%). In the phase of the first trifoliate leaf the number of annual cereal species averaged 76.8 pcs./m2 and dicotyledonous – 70.5 pcs./m2 and before harvesting – 79.8 and 87.8 pcs./m2, respectively. When carrying out measures to control the number of weeds in soybean crops, annual cereal species are destroyed to a greater extent than annual dicotyledonous. The smallest amount of weeds (133.0 pcs./m2) and their weight (343.0 g/m2) before harvesting soybeans was obtained on the option of post-emergence use of the spring harrow General Strigel and rotary harrow HatzenbichlerStriegel. Conclusions. The post-emergence application of the spring harrow General Strigel and rotary harrow HatzenbichlerStriegel turned out to be the most effective agrotechnical measure for controlling the number of weeds. Which allows reducing the number of weeds by 54.1% and their weight by 59.4%, compared to the control option.


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