Purpose: to study the effectiveness of a new generation of the drug – microfertilizers of the 5th Element on soybean crops of various ripeness groups. Research methods: field, laboratory, statistical. The research results show that the use of microfertilizer of the 5th Element had a positive effect on the germination of soy plants and the passage of the nitrogen fixation process. In the variants with soybean seed treatment with micronutrient fertilizer 5 Element and soybean seed treatment + micronutrient fertilizer application during plant vegetation (before flowering) a large mass of nodules was accumulated by one plant by 0,29–0,28 g in the Panna variety and by 0,30–0,32 g in the Svyatogor soybean variety than, respectively, in the control variant. Micronutrient Fifth Element did not inhibit the activity of microorganisms in the soil. It was noted that plants of both soybean varieties on a fertilized background were higher and had high attachment of the lower bean. The best indicators of the structure of the crop are formed by soybean plants in the variant with seed treatment
+ the introduction of micronutrients for plant vegetation. When applying microfertilizer 5 Element, the maximum yield of soybean seeds of Panna varieties 3,27 t/ha and Svyatogor 5,41 t/ha in the variant with soybean seed treatment + application of micronutrient fertilizers during plant vegetation was obtained. Findings. The use of microfertilizers contributed to a better passage of the nitrogen fixation process, did not suppress the action of microorganisms in the soil, had a positive effect on the formation of plant heights and laying of the lower bean, and plant resistance to diseases.
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