Morphological parameters of mushrooms of twospore champignon depending on the type of biological products and terms of their application

Keywords: biological preparations, substrate, champignon, morphological parameters, climate chamber, yield, energy efficiency


The type of biological product and the term of their use in the cultivation of two-spore champignon on a substrate prepared both in winter and summer had a significant effect on the morphological features of the structure of fruit bodiesю Purpose. The aim of the work is to improve the technological methods of industrial cultivation of dicotyledonous mushrooms based on the use of biological products and to increase their productivity and environmental quality. Methods. In the process of performing the work, general scientific and special research methods were used: theoretical – processing of research results by statistical and correlation analysis; empirical – experiments in a climate chamber, graphical and tabular display of results. The results. The use of biological products in the cultivation of mushrooms with irrigation of the cover soil, the length of the stem in all variants during the first wave of fruiting ranged from 36,2 to 40,1 mm, the diameter of the stem from 15,9 to 19,0 mm, the height of the cap from 12,7 to 13,1 mm, and the diameter of the cap from 45,5 to 53,4 mm. When the cover soil was irrigated during the second wave of fruiting, the size of the fruiting bodies differed from the mushrooms obtained from the first wave. The length of the stem in the variants of biological products application was 35,8–38,2 mm, the diameter of the stem was 15,9–18,4 mm, the height of the cap was 11,2–12,9 mm, and the diameter of the cap was 45,0–48,6 mm. Thus, it can be concluded that watering the cover soil with biological products had a positive effect on the morphological features of the structure of the fruiting bodies of the two-spore champignon. Findings. The results obtained are of great practical importance for farms that grow mushrooms. The results of the study allow us to recommend the use of the biological product «EM Compost» and «Potassium Humate» for double irrigation of the cover soil, which increases the yield of mushrooms of the two-spore champignon by 19%. Their use contributes to an increase in yield and quality. To achieve maximum yield and increase the energy value of oyster mushrooms, it is advisable to water the cover soil twice with a 0,05% solution of the biological product «EM Compost».


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