Energy efficiency of the improved technology of miscanthus giganteus cultivation for biomass production

Keywords: miscanthus giganteus, improvement of cultivation technology, yield, biomass, energy efficiency, energy productivity


The use of alternative energy sources is currently a highly relevant issue for Ukraine. Taking into account significant areas of marginal lands and available energy crops, it is quite possible to increase energy independence of territorial communities of our country. Improvement of the technology of energy crops cultivation, including miscanthus giganteus, as one of the highly productive energy crops, is important. This will make it possible to obtain a stable yield of biomass (energy-intensive raw material for biofuels) with energy-efficient cultivation technology, and increase the energy productivity of plant biomass production. This article focuses on the study of these issues. The aim of the research was to determine the yield, the energy efficiency of the improved technology of miscanthus giganteus cultivation and biomass energy productivity. Methods. The experiment was conducted during the period of 2018–2022 in the central part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Generally accepted and special research methods were used. The experimental variants combined: variant 1 (control) – conventional technology of miscanthus giganteus cultivation; variant 2 – the improved technology of miscanthus giganteus cultivation. The conventional technology combined: basic and spring tillage, planting with rhizomes and plant care. The improvement of this technology, besides the above measures, included: planting the crop according to the most optimal scheme, growing the crop together with lupine in the row spacing and foliar treatment with a mycorrhizal preparation (Mycofriend) in spring. Results. According to the research results, it was found that the yield of dry biomass will be significantly higher in the variants of the improved technology of miscanthus giganteus cultivation (20.7 t/ha) compared to the conventional one (11.8 t/ha). In addition, the annual increase in biomass yield was determined – from the first to the third year of vegetation in both variants of the experiment, but with a significant predominance in the second variant. The coefficient of energy efficiency of growing miscanthus giganteus for biofuel in the second variant (Кее = 4.5) was established, which is 1.1 points higher than in the first variant (Кее = 3.4). It was determined that, on average, over the research years, the highest energy productivity of miscanthus biomass at the level of 82.5 GJ/ha is formed by joint cultivation with lupine and the use of Mycofriend for fertilization of energy plants (the improved technology of crop cultivation). Conclusions. In order to increase the yield and energy productivity of miscanthus giganteus biomass, it is recommended to use the improved technology of crop cultivation. It includes: basic and spring tillage, planting with rhizomes according to the most optimal scheme (70 × 70 cm), growing miscanthus together with lupine and foliar treatment with mycorrhizal preparation (Mycofriend) in spring fertilisation. In comparison with the conventional cultivation technology, an increase in dry biomass yield (up to 20.7 t/ha), an increase in energy efficiency (Кее = 4.5) and energy productivity of plantations (up to 82.5 GJ/ha) were observed.


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