The influence of maintenance felling on the formation of structural properties of field protection forest strips in the conditions of the SRE Agronomichne

Keywords: protective forest plantations, maintenance felling, lighting, canopy closure, undergrowth, undergrowth


The correct approach to maintenance felling helps to optimize the formation of structural properties of field protection forest strips. Carrying out timely maintenance allows to create stable, functional and ecologically valuable protective forests, which can play an important role in nature conservation, soil protection, reducing the risk of natural disasters and improving the quality of adjacent agricultural lands. Goal. To conduct an analysis of various methods of liquefaction during maintenance felling for the formation and change of the structural properties of field protection forest strips of various structures. Methods. The research was carried out by evaluating the afforestation and meliorative indicators of the field protection forest in the conditions of the Agronomichne National Agricultural Research Service The results. It was established that forest strips of openwork structure (TA No. 1,2,4) have different levels of soil illumination, which is primarily related to their rock composition and sample size. The least affected was the illumination of the maintenance shed in oak-maple (silver maple) plantations, where the illumination is 260 lux (TA No. 3) and oak-maple (maple-sycamore) – 280 lux (TA No. 7). No significant changes in the above-ground cover of openwork forest strips of different species composition were observed after the measures. In the search for more effective methods of combating hemp growth, positive results were obtained in experiments on the use of chemicals. The most significant result with the use of herbicides, namely roundup, was obtained at the registration site No. 2, where the share of dry (dead) vegetation was within 69–91% of its total amount. An unsatisfactory result was recorded at the accounting site No. 4, where the share of dead growth was 51–71% of the total amount Conclusions. Illumination under the canopy of plantations depends on the species composition, structure, intensity of liquefaction and openwork of the vertical profile of forest strips. If the openwork of the vertical profile of the strip is up to 20%, the illumination increases sharply, but then stabilizes at the level of 14.3–19.8% of the open field, which is approximately equal to 280–370 lux. The use of Roundup in a single treatment at an application rate of 7 l/ha can lead to the destruction of up to 69% of field maple stands, which show some resistance to this herbicide, and more than 80% of other tree and shrub species.


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