Justification of the monitoring of the South American tomato mother (Tuta absoluta Meyr.) by pheromone traps in the Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: South American tomato moth, Tuta absoluta Meyr, integrated plant protection, monitoring, pheromones, pheromone monitoring, phytosanitary diagnostics, pheromone traps, harmful organisms


The innovative aspect of the research lies in justifying a contemporary monitoring strategy for the South American tomato moth, Tuta absoluta Meyr. The study highlights the biological and ecological characteristics of the phytophage, which appeared in the research region in 2010. In 2012, the spread of the pest was detected on an area of 79 hectares in the Kherson region, and in recent years, its presence has been noted on tomatoes in the Mykolaiv and Zaporizhia regions. The presence of the phytophage in Southern Ukraine underscores the importance of developing and implementing moth monitoring in production with the use of modern pheromone traps. Notably, in 2018, the State Food and Consumer Service (under the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food) recorded 18 cases of pest detection in imported vegetables brought to Ukraine from Turkey, Spain, Egypt, and Morocco. The pest also spreads with seedlings, packaging materials, soil, and containers. According to the Department of Phytosanitary Safety and Control in the Field of Seed Production and Nursery (part of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection), as of December 1, 2018, the area inhabited by the tomato moth on the territory of Ukraine was 829.92 hectares. The aim of the research was to investigate the periods of highest pest prevalence in order to promptly respond and implement proper measures for protecting tomatoes and preserving crop quality. To develop quarantine strategies, the morphological and ecological characteristics of the pest were studied. Following the standard methodology, an inspection was conducted, primarily focusing on the extent of pest damage in tomato fields. The degree of damage in the upper and middle layers of generative organs formation was determined. Special attention was paid to the concentration levels in these parts using pheromone monitoring, including the «Delta» trap and the modern pheromone trap.


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