Keywords: spring barley, inheritance, productivity, valuable economic traits, selection.


Determining the pattern of inheritance of quantitative features is the basis for successful plant breeding. The purpose of the work is to establish indicators of phenotypic dominance of quantitative features in the system of diallel crossings of spring hulless barley varieties in the conditions of the Northern Forest Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Research was conducted on the creation and study of hybrids F1 of 7 varieties of spring hulless barley in the system of diallel crossings. Hybrids and parent forms were analyzed by plant height, total tillering, productive tillering, spike length, kernel number per spike, grain weight per spike, grain weight per plant, weight of 1000 grains. Inheritance of productivity and its structural elements in hybrids F1 of spring hulless grain barley was determined by the degree of phenotypic dominance (hp) of traits. Results. The results of research indicate that the nature of inheritance of plant height and elements of spring hulless barley productivity is quite complex and manifests itself in various genotypeenvironment interactions. Crossing combinations with the manifestation of positive dominance and heterosis over 2 years of research have been identified, which can be of practical breeding value for combining productivity traits in hybrid populations of spring hulless barley. Conclusions. When breeding for lodging resistance by the hybridization method, it is possible to use the low-growing variety Natair as a component of crossing. A significant increase in mass of 1000 grains was found in crossbreeding combinations with the Kozatskyi variety, which may indicate its donor properties in selection to increase grain size. Alamo / Roseland combination was identified with a stable level of heterosis over the years in terms of grain weight per spike, and positive dominance and overdominance in kernel number per spike.


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