Keywords: winter wheat, morphobiotype, yield, genotype, selection.


The article presents the main selection and genetic aspects when assessing the suitability of varieties for production conditions and their ability to adapt to the entire complex of variability of environmental conditions. According to the results of the research, the direction of creation of winter wheat varieties of the universal type was chosen, which coincides with the views of wellknown breeders. These varieties can be grown using both intensive and conventional technologies, but they are lower than medium-sized plants and much taller than semi-dwarf plants in terms of plant height. Each biotype has a higher possibility of combining in one genotype fairly high winter resistance and yield, although the absolute value of these features depends on the genetic origin of the lines and their growing conditions. The purpose of the work was to determine the regularity of the manifestation of selection and genetic aspects of winter wheat selection on agroecological adaptability, the relationship of ear productivity and the index of linear density of the braid with various quantitative characteristics and productivity of varieties and morphobiotypes of winter wheat in the process of correlation-regression analysis; variability and inheritance of quantitative traits and the index of linear density of the ear and the degree of their stability depending on changing environmental conditions. Thus, the research results revealed that under optimal conditions of moisture availability, morphobiotypes of winter wheat were characterized by a high absolute expression of grain mass from the main ear and ears of the second order and grain size. Characteristically, the ratio of these elements of the crop structure under irrigation was closer than under nonirrigated conditions. Thus, the exaggeration of the mass of grain from the main ear to the mass of grain of ears of the second order was under irrigation conditions 27.2 – 34.4%, without irrigation 32.6 – 41.0%, according to the weight of 1000 grains, respectively, 10.9 – 24.5% and 27.1 – 33.0%. Conclusion. In irrigated conditions, the realization of indicators of the elements of the crop structure is much higher than in less favorable conditions of non-irrigated agriculture. These studies confirmed the fact that the selection of genotypes resistant to adverse environmental conditions should be carried out only after their high potential productivity has been proven under favorable growing conditions. It is known that 50–80% of the total variability depends on the conditions of the external environment. At the same time, the sign of the stability of winter wheat yield is due to the preservation of the stable value of some elements of productivity and tolerance of other signs.


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